path: root/docs/source/devguide
diff options
authorCalum Lind <>2018-10-05 09:33:26 +0100
committerCalum Lind <>2018-11-01 17:38:10 +0000
commit82ecf8a4168cafdc2bf0f5c37f7fa45d55e8d265 (patch)
treeefd52f493583a3c99853d6577660da0695e95fc8 /docs/source/devguide
parent9dcd90056d4225f65046fab4ed37a25e9caeda06 (diff)
[Docs] Reorganise and add sections from wiki
- Change the layout and contents of docs to be better organised and follow ideas from: - Use markdown for non-technical documents to speed up writing. - Added new sections and imported documents from Trac wiki. Build fixes: - Added a patch to fix recommonmark 0.4 and doc referencing: - Set docs build in tox to Py2.7 since there are problems with autodoc mocking multiple inheritance on Python 3 resulting in metaclass errors. - Supressed warning about `modules.rst` not in the toctree by creating a static `modules.rst` with `:orphan:` file directive and add to git. Also skip creating this toc file with sphinx-apidoc in setup and tox. - Simplified finding exported RPC and JSON API methods by adding an autodoc custom class directive. Removed unneeded
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/source/devguide')
8 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 000000000..a89091141
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+# How to connect to JSON-RPC with curl
+Before continuing make sure deluge-web or webui plugin is running.
+## Create a curl config
+To save a lot of typing and to keep the curl command short we shall create
+a `curl.cfg` files and put the following contents in it:
+ request = "POST"
+ compressed
+ cookie = "cookie_deluge.txt"
+ cookie-jar = "cookie_deluge.txt"
+ header = "Content-Type: application/json"
+ header = "Accept: application/json"
+ url = "http://localhost:8112/json"
+ write-out = "\n"
+To pretty-print the JSON result see:
+## Login to WebUI
+Login to the WebUI and get session cookie:
+ curl -d '{"method": "auth.login", "params": ["deluge"], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg
+Result is `true` to signify that login was successful:
+ {
+ "error": null,
+ "id": 1,
+ "result": true
+ }
+Check the contents of the cookie file to verify session ID created.
+ cat cookie_deluge.txt
+ # Netscape HTTP Cookie File
+ #
+ # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.
+ localhost FALSE /json FALSE 1540061203 _session_id <session_id>
+## Check connected to deluged
+Use the `web.connected` method to get a boolean response if the webui is
+connected to a deluged host:
+ curl -d '{"method": "web.connected", "params": [], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg
+Result is `false` because WebUI is not yet connected to the daemon:
+ {
+ "error": null,
+ "id": 1,
+ "result": false
+ }
+## Get list of deluged hosts
+Use the `web.get_hosts` method:
+ curl -d '{"method": "web.get_hosts", "params": [], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg
+The result contains the `<hostID>` for using in request `params` field.
+ {
+ "error": null,
+ "id": 1,
+ "result": [
+ [
+ "<hostID>",
+ "",
+ 58846,
+ "localclient"
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+## Get the deluged host status
+ curl -d '{"method": "web.get_host_status", \
+ "params": ["<hostID>"], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg
+The result shows the version and status; _online_, _offline_ or _connected_.
+ {
+ "error": null,
+ "id": 1,
+ "result": [
+ "<hostID>",
+ "Online",
+ "2.0.0"
+ ]
+ }
+## Connect to deluged host
+To connect to deluged with `<hostID>`:
+ curl -d '{"method": "web.connect", \
+ "params": ["<hostID>"], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg
+The result contains the full list of avaiable host methods:
+ {
+ "error": null,
+ "id": 1,
+ "result": [
+ "core.add_torrent_url",
+ ...
+ "core.upload_plugin"
+ ]
+ }
+## Disconnect from host
+ curl -d '{"method": "web.disconnect", "params": [], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg
+A successful result:
+ {
+ "error": null,
+ "id": 1,
+ "result": "Connection was closed cleanly."
+ }
+## Add a torrent
+ curl -d '{"method": "web.add_torrents", "params": \
+ [[{"path":"/tmp/ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent", \
+ "options":null}]], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg
+## Add a magnet URI
+ curl-d '{"method": "core.add_torrent_magnet", \
+ "params": ["<magnet_uri>", {}], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg
+## Get list of files for a torrent
+ curl -d '{"method": "web.get_torrent_files", \
+ "params": ["<torrentid>"], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg
+## Set a core config option
+ curl -d '{"method": "core.set_config", \
+ "params":[{"max_upload_slots_global":"200"}], "id": 1}' -K curl.cfg
+ {"error": null, "result": null, "id": 1}
+## Useful curl config options
+For full list of options see man page `man curl` or help `curl --help`:
+ --cookie (-b) # Load cookie file with session id
+ --cookie-jar (-c) # Save cookie file with session id
+ --compressed # responses are gzipped
+ --include (-i) # Include the HTTP header in output (optional)
+ --header (-H) # HTTP header
+ --request (-X) # custom request method
+ --data (-d) # data to send in POST request '{"method": "", "params": [], "id": ""}'
+ --insecure (-k) # use with self-signed certs https
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+# How-to guides
+This is a collection of guides for specific issues or cover more details than
+the tutorials.
+## Web JSON-RPC
+- [Connect to JSON-RPC using curl](
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+# Deluge Development Guide
+This is a guide to help with developing Deluge.
+- [Tutorials](tutorials/
+- [How-to](how-to/
+- [Packaging](packaging/
diff --git a/docs/source/devguide/packaging/ b/docs/source/devguide/packaging/
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+# Packaging documentation
+- [Release checklist](
+- [Launchpad recipe](
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+# Launchpad recipe
+The launchpad build recipes are for build from source automatically to provide
+ubuntu packages. They are used to create daily builds of a git repo branch.
+Note these don't have the same control as a creating a publishing to PPA.
+Main reference:
+## Deluge launchpad build recipes
+Recipe configuration:
+An example for building the develop branch:
+ # git-build-recipe format 0.4 deb-version{revno}+{git-commit}+{time}
+ lp:deluge develop
+ nest-part packaging lp:~calumlind/+git/lp_deluge_deb debian debian develop
+There are two parts, first to get the source code branch and then the `debian`
+files for building the package.
+## Testing and building locally
+Create a `deluge.recipe` file with the contents from launchpad and create the
+build files with `git-build-recipe`:
+ git-build-recipe --allow-fallback-to-native deluge.recipe lp_build
+Setup [pbuilder] and build the deluge package:
+ sudo pbuilder build lp_build/deluge*.dsc
+Alternatively to build using local files with [pdebuild]:
+ cd lp_build/deluge/deluge
+ pdebuild
+This will allow modifying the `debian` files to test changes to `rules` or
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+# Release Checklist
+## Pre-Release
+- Update [translation](../contributing/ `po` files from
+ [Launchpad]( account.
+- Changelog is updated with relevant commits and release date is added.
+- Version number increment:
+ -
+ - man pages
+ - osx/Info.plist
+ - Version and month `sed` commands:
+ - `git grep -l '2\.0\.0' | grep -v | xargs sed -i 's/2\.0\.0/2\.0\.1/g'`
+ - `git grep -l 'October' docs/man | xargs sed -i 's/October/November/g'`
+- Increment copyright year:
+ - osx/Info.plist
+- Tag release in git and push upstream.
+ - e.g. `git tag -a deluge-2.0.0 -m "Deluge 2.0.0 Release"`
+## Release
+- Run `make_release` script on extracted tarball e.g.
+ - `make_release deluge-2.0.0`
+- Package for OSs, Ubuntu, Windows, OSX.
+- Upload source tarballs and packages to ftp.
+ (_Ensure file permissions are global readable:_ `0644`)
+## Post-Release
+- Update with version, hashes and release notes:
+ - ReleaseNotes (Create new version page and add link to this page)
+ - Forum announcement
+ - IRC welcome message
+ - Website `index.php` and `version` files
+ - [Wikipedia](
+- Trac close the milestone and add new version for tickets.
+- Ensure all stable branch commits are also applied to development branch.
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+# Setup tutorial for Deluge development
+The aim of this tutorial is to download the source code and setup an
+environment to enable development work on Deluge.
+## Pre-requisites
+To build and run the Deluge applications they depends on tools and libraries as
+listed in
+Almost all of the Python packages dependencies will be installed using pip but
+there are some packages or libraries that are required to be installed to the
+### Ubuntu
+#### Build tools
+ sudo apt install git intltool closure-compiler
+ pip install --user tox tox-venv
+#### Runtime libraries and tools
+ sudo apt install python-libtorrent python-geoip python-dbus python-glade2 \
+ librsvg2-common xdg-utils python-appindicator python-notify python-pygame
+## Setup development environment
+### Clone Deluge git repository
+Download the latest git code to local folder.
+ git clone git://
+ cd deluge
+### Create Python virtual environment
+Creation of a [Python virtual environment] keeps the development isolated
+and easier to maintain and tox has an option to make this process easier:
+ tox -e denv3
+Activate virtual environment:
+ source .venv/bin/activate
+Deluge will be installed by tox in _develop_ mode which creates links back
+to source code so that changes will be reflected immediately without repeated
+installation. Check it is installed with:
+ (.venv) $ deluge --version
+ deluge-gtk 2.0.0b2.dev149
+ libtorrent:
+ Python: 2.7.12
+ OS: Linux Ubuntu 16.04 xenial
+### Setup pre-commit hook
+Using [pre-commit] ensures submitted code is checked for quality when
+creating git commits.
+ (.venv) $ pre-commit install
+You are now ready to start playing with the source code.
+### Reference
+- [Contributing]
+- [Key requirements concepts]
+## How-to guides
+- How to install plugins in develop mode?
+- How to setup and test translations?
+- How to run tests?
+- How to create a plugin?
+[requirements topic]: ../topics/
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+# Developer tutorials
+A list of articles to help developers get started with Deluge.
+- [Development setup](