BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
1.3-prefs-protoNew preferences prototypeAndrew Resch14 years
2.0.xRelease 2.0.5Calum Lind2 years
develop[GtkUI] Reword preferences to prefer dark themeCalum Lind2 months
extjs4-portweb: minor IE compatibility changeDamien Churchill12 years
masterMerge branch 'release-2.1.1'Calum Lind22 months
deluge-2.1.2.dev0deluge-2.1.2.dev0.tar.gz  deluge-2.1.2.dev0.tar.bz2  Calum Lind22 months
deluge-2.1.1deluge-2.1.1.tar.gz  deluge-2.1.1.tar.bz2  Calum Lind22 months
deluge-2.1.1.dev0deluge-2.1.1.dev0.tar.gz  deluge-2.1.1.dev0.tar.bz2  Calum Lind22 months
deluge-2.1.0deluge-2.1.0.tar.gz  deluge-2.1.0.tar.bz2  Calum Lind22 months
deluge-2.1.0.dev0deluge-2.1.0.dev0.tar.gz  deluge-2.1.0.dev0.tar.bz2  DjLegolas2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2007-11-25use system setting for toolbar text/icon styledeluge- Pinto
2007-11-25cleanup trackers replaceMarcos Pinto
2007-11-24dont die if plugin in prefs.state is not found on the filesystemMarcos Pinto
2007-11-24fix add torrent in webuiMarcos Pinto
2007-11-24skip taskbar fix for winMarcos Pinto
2007-11-24language files syncMarcos Pinto
2007-11-24asio fix for win32Marcos Pinto
2007-11-24tag 0.5.7rc1Marcos Pinto
2007-11-22identify miro clientMarcos Pinto
2007-11-22plugin name translationsMarcos Pinto