# # peers_tab.py # # Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Resch # # Deluge is free software. # # You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the # GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # deluge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with deluge. If not, write to: # The Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give # permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL # library. # You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of # the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this # exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), # but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete # this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception # statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here. # # import gtk import logging import os.path import cPickle from itertools import izip from deluge.ui.client import client import deluge.configmanager import deluge.component as component import deluge.common from deluge.ui.gtkui.listview import cell_data_speed as cell_data_speed from deluge.ui.gtkui.torrentdetails import Tab from deluge.ui.countries import COUNTRIES log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def cell_data_progress(column, cell, model, row, data): value = model.get_value(row, data) cell.set_property("value", value * 100) cell.set_property("text", "%.2f%%" % (value * 100)) class PeersTab(Tab): def __init__(self): Tab.__init__(self) builder = component.get("MainWindow").get_builder() self._name = "Peers" self._child_widget = builder.get_object("peers_tab") self._tab_label = builder.get_object("peers_tab_label") self.peer_menu = builder.get_object("menu_peer_tab") component.get("MainWindow").connect_signals({ "on_menuitem_add_peer_activate": self._on_menuitem_add_peer_activate, }) self.listview = builder.get_object("peers_listview") self.listview.props.has_tooltip = True self.listview.connect("button-press-event", self._on_button_press_event) self.listview.connect("query-tooltip", self._on_query_tooltip) # country pixbuf, ip, client, downspeed, upspeed, country code, int_ip, seed/peer icon, progress self.liststore = gtk.ListStore(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, str, int, int, str, float, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, float) self.cached_flag_pixbufs = {} self.seed_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(deluge.common.get_pixmap("seeding16.png")) self.peer_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(deluge.common.get_pixmap("downloading16.png")) # key is ip address, item is row iter self.peers = {} # Country column column = gtk.TreeViewColumn() render = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() column.pack_start(render, False) column.add_attribute(render, "pixbuf", 0) column.set_sort_column_id(5) column.set_clickable(True) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_expand(False) column.set_min_width(20) column.set_reorderable(True) self.listview.append_column(column) # Address column column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Address")) render = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() column.pack_start(render, False) column.add_attribute(render, "pixbuf", 7) render = gtk.CellRendererText() column.pack_start(render, False) column.add_attribute(render, "text", 1) column.set_sort_column_id(6) column.set_clickable(True) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_expand(False) column.set_min_width(100) column.set_reorderable(True) self.listview.append_column(column) # Client column column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Client")) render = gtk.CellRendererText() column.pack_start(render, False) column.add_attribute(render, "text", 2) column.set_sort_column_id(2) column.set_clickable(True) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_expand(False) column.set_min_width(100) column.set_reorderable(True) self.listview.append_column(column) # Progress column column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Progress")) render = gtk.CellRendererProgress() column.pack_start(render, True) column.set_cell_data_func(render, cell_data_progress, 8) column.set_sort_column_id(8) column.set_clickable(True) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_expand(False) column.set_min_width(100) column.set_reorderable(True) self.listview.append_column(column) # Down Speed column column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Down Speed")) render = gtk.CellRendererText() column.pack_start(render, False) column.set_cell_data_func(render, cell_data_speed, 3) column.set_sort_column_id(3) column.set_clickable(True) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_expand(False) column.set_min_width(50) column.set_reorderable(True) self.listview.append_column(column) # Up Speed column column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Up Speed")) render = gtk.CellRendererText() column.pack_start(render, False) column.set_cell_data_func(render, cell_data_speed, 4) column.set_sort_column_id(4) column.set_clickable(True) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_expand(False) column.set_min_width(50) # Bugfix: Last column needs max_width set to stop scrollbar appearing column.set_max_width(150) column.set_reorderable(True) self.listview.append_column(column) self.listview.set_model(self.liststore) self.load_state() self.torrent_id = None def save_state(self): filename = "peers_tab.state" # Get the current sort order of the view column_id, sort_order = self.liststore.get_sort_column_id() # Setup state dict state = { "columns": {}, "sort_id": column_id, "sort_order": int(sort_order) if sort_order else None } for index, column in enumerate(self.listview.get_columns()): state["columns"][column.get_title()] = { "position": index, "width": column.get_width() } # Get the config location for saving the state file config_location = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir() try: log.debug("Saving FilesTab state file: %s", filename) state_file = open(os.path.join(config_location, filename), "wb") cPickle.dump(state, state_file) state_file.close() except IOError, e: log.warning("Unable to save state file: %s", e) def load_state(self): filename = "peers_tab.state" # Get the config location for loading the state file config_location = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir() state = None try: log.debug("Loading PeersTab state file: %s", filename) state_file = open(os.path.join(config_location, filename), "rb") state = cPickle.load(state_file) state_file.close() except (EOFError, IOError, AttributeError, cPickle.UnpicklingError), e: log.warning("Unable to load state file: %s", e) if state == None: return if len(state["columns"]) != len(self.listview.get_columns()): log.warning("peers_tab.state is not compatible! rejecting..") return if state["sort_id"] and state["sort_order"] is not None: self.liststore.set_sort_column_id(state["sort_id"], state["sort_order"]) for (index, column) in enumerate(self.listview.get_columns()): cname = column.get_title() if state["columns"].has_key(cname): cstate = state["columns"][cname] column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED) column.set_fixed_width(cstate["width"] if cstate["width"] > 0 else 10) if state["sort_id"] == index and state["sort_order"] is not None: column.set_sort_indicator(True) column.set_sort_order(state["sort_order"]) if cstate["position"] != index: # Column is in wrong position if cstate["position"] == 0: self.listview.move_column_after(column, None) elif self.listview.get_columns()[cstate["position"] - 1].get_title() != cname: self.listview.move_column_after(column, self.listview.get_columns()[cstate["position"] - 1]) def update(self): # Get the first selected torrent torrent_id = component.get("TorrentView").get_selected_torrents() # Only use the first torrent in the list or return if None selected if len(torrent_id) != 0: torrent_id = torrent_id[0] else: # No torrent is selected in the torrentview self.liststore.clear() return if torrent_id != self.torrent_id: # We only want to do this if the torrent_id has changed self.liststore.clear() self.peers = {} self.torrent_id = torrent_id component.get("SessionProxy").get_torrent_status(torrent_id, ["peers"]).addCallback(self._on_get_torrent_status) def get_flag_pixbuf(self, country): if country == " ": return None if not self.cached_flag_pixbufs.has_key(country): # We haven't created a pixbuf for this country yet try: self.cached_flag_pixbufs[country] = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( deluge.common.resource_filename( "deluge", os.path.join("ui", "data", "pixmaps", "flags", country.lower() + ".png"))) except Exception, e: log.debug("Unable to load flag: %s", e) return None return self.cached_flag_pixbufs[country] def _on_get_torrent_status(self, status): new_ips = set() for peer in status["peers"]: new_ips.add(peer["ip"]) if self.peers.has_key(peer["ip"]): # We already have this peer in our list, so lets just update it row = self.peers[peer["ip"]] if not self.liststore.iter_is_valid(row): # This iter is invalid, delete it and continue to next iteration del self.peers[peer["ip"]] continue values = self.liststore.get(row, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8) if peer["down_speed"] != values[0]: self.liststore.set_value(row, 3, peer["down_speed"]) if peer["up_speed"] != values[1]: self.liststore.set_value(row, 4, peer["up_speed"]) if peer["country"] != values[2]: self.liststore.set_value(row, 5, peer["country"]) self.liststore.set_value(row, 0, self.get_flag_pixbuf(peer["country"])) if peer["seed"]: icon = self.seed_pixbuf else: icon = self.peer_pixbuf if icon != values[3]: self.liststore.set_value(row, 7, icon) if peer["progress"] != values[4]: self.liststore.set_value(row, 8, peer["progress"]) else: # Peer is not in list so we need to add it # Create an int IP address for sorting purposes if peer["ip"].count(":") == 1: # This is an IPv4 address ip_int = sum([int(byte) << shift for byte, shift in izip(peer["ip"].split(":")[0].split("."), (24, 16, 8, 0))]) peer_ip = peer["ip"] else: # This is an IPv6 address import socket import binascii # Split out the :port ip = ":".join(peer["ip"].split(":")[:-1]) ip_int = long(binascii.hexlify(socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip)), 16) peer_ip = "[%s]:%s" % (ip, peer["ip"].split(":")[-1]) if peer["seed"]: icon = self.seed_pixbuf else: icon = self.peer_pixbuf row = self.liststore.append([ self.get_flag_pixbuf(peer["country"]), peer_ip, peer["client"], peer["down_speed"], peer["up_speed"], peer["country"], float(ip_int), icon, peer["progress"]]) self.peers[peer["ip"]] = row # Now we need to remove any ips that were not in status["peers"] list for ip in set(self.peers.keys()).difference(new_ips): self.liststore.remove(self.peers[ip]) del self.peers[ip] def clear(self): self.liststore.clear() def _on_button_press_event(self, widget, event): """This is a callback for showing the right-click context menu.""" log.debug("on_button_press_event") # We only care about right-clicks if self.torrent_id and event.button == 3: self.peer_menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) return True def _on_query_tooltip(self, widget, x, y, keyboard_tip, tooltip): if not widget.get_tooltip_context(x, y, keyboard_tip): return False else: model, path, iter = widget.get_tooltip_context(x, y, keyboard_tip) country_code = model.get(iter, 5)[0] if country_code != " " and country_code in COUNTRIES: tooltip.set_text(COUNTRIES[country_code]) # widget here is self.listview widget.set_tooltip_cell(tooltip, path, widget.get_column(0), None) return True else: return False def _on_menuitem_add_peer_activate(self, menuitem): """This is a callback for manually adding a peer""" log.debug("on_menuitem_add_peer") builder = gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file(deluge.common.resource_filename( "deluge.ui.gtkui", os.path.join("glade", "connect_peer_dialog.ui") )) peer_dialog = builder.get_object("connect_peer_dialog") txt_ip = builder.get_object("txt_ip") response = peer_dialog.run() if response: value = txt_ip.get_text() if value and ':' in value: if ']' in value: #ipv6 ip = value.split("]")[0][1:] port = value.split("]")[1][1:] else: #ipv4 ip = value.split(":")[0] port = value.split(":")[1] if deluge.common.is_ip(ip): log.debug("adding peer %s to %s", value, self.torrent_id) client.core.connect_peer(self.torrent_id, ip, port) peer_dialog.destroy() return True