# # connectionmanager.py # # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andrew Resch # # Deluge is free software. # # You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the # GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # deluge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with deluge. If not, write to: # The Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give # permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL # library. # You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of # the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this # exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), # but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete # this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception # statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here. # # import os import gtk import time import hashlib import logging from twisted.internet import reactor import deluge.common import deluge.component as component import common import deluge.configmanager from deluge.ui.common import get_localhost_auth from deluge.ui.client import client import deluge.ui.client from deluge.configmanager import ConfigManager from deluge.error import AuthenticationRequired, BadLoginError, IncompatibleClient import dialogs log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_HOST = "" DEFAULT_PORT = 58846 HOSTLIST_COL_ID = 0 HOSTLIST_COL_HOST = 1 HOSTLIST_COL_PORT = 2 HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS = 3 HOSTLIST_COL_USER = 4 HOSTLIST_COL_PASS = 5 HOSTLIST_COL_VERSION = 6 HOSTLIST_PIXBUFS = [ # This is populated in ConnectionManager.show ] HOSTLIST_STATUS = [ "Offline", "Online", "Connected" ] def cell_render_host(column, cell, model, row, data): host, port, username = model.get(row, *data) text = host + ":" + str(port) if username: text = username + "@" + text cell.set_property('text', text) def cell_render_status(column, cell, model, row, data): status = model[row][data] pixbuf = None if status in HOSTLIST_STATUS: pixbuf = HOSTLIST_PIXBUFS[HOSTLIST_STATUS.index(status)] cell.set_property("pixbuf", pixbuf) class ConnectionManager(component.Component): def __init__(self): component.Component.__init__(self, "ConnectionManager") self.gtkui_config = ConfigManager("gtkui.conf") self.config = self.__load_config() self.running = False # Component overrides def start(self): pass def stop(self): # Close this dialog when we are shutting down if self.running: self.connection_manager.response(gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE) def shutdown(self): pass def __load_config(self): auth_file = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir("auth") if not os.path.exists(auth_file): from deluge.common import create_localclient_account create_localclient_account() localclient_username, localclient_password = get_localhost_auth() DEFAULT_CONFIG = { "hosts": [( hashlib.sha1(str(time.time())).hexdigest(), DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT, localclient_username, localclient_password )] } config = ConfigManager("hostlist.conf.1.2", DEFAULT_CONFIG) config.run_converter((0, 1), 2, self.__migrate_config_1_to_2) return config # Public methods def show(self): """ Show the ConnectionManager dialog. """ self.config = self.__load_config() # Get the gtk builder file for the connection manager self.builder = gtk.Builder() # The main dialog self.builder.add_from_file(deluge.common.resource_filename( "deluge.ui.gtkui", os.path.join("glade", "connection_manager.ui") )) # The add host dialog self.builder.add_from_file(deluge.common.resource_filename( "deluge.ui.gtkui", os.path.join("glade", "connection_manager.addhost.ui") )) # The ask password dialog self.builder.add_from_file(deluge.common.resource_filename( "deluge.ui.gtkui", os.path.join("glade", "connection_manager.askpassword.ui") )) self.window = component.get("MainWindow") # Setup the ConnectionManager dialog self.connection_manager = self.builder.get_object("connection_manager") self.connection_manager.set_transient_for(self.window.window) self.connection_manager.set_icon(common.get_deluge_icon()) self.builder.get_object("image1").set_from_pixbuf(common.get_logo(32)) self.askpassword_dialog = self.builder.get_object("askpassword_dialog") self.askpassword_dialog.set_transient_for(self.connection_manager) self.askpassword_dialog.set_icon(common.get_deluge_icon()) self.askpassword_dialog_entry = self.builder.get_object("askpassword_dialog_entry") self.hostlist = self.builder.get_object("hostlist") # Create status pixbufs if not HOSTLIST_PIXBUFS: for stock_id in (gtk.STOCK_NO, gtk.STOCK_YES, gtk.STOCK_CONNECT): HOSTLIST_PIXBUFS.append( self.connection_manager.render_icon( stock_id, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU ) ) # Create the host list gtkliststore # id-hash, hostname, port, status, username, password, version self.liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str, int, str, str, str, str) # Setup host list treeview self.hostlist.set_model(self.liststore) render = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Status"), render) column.set_cell_data_func(render, cell_render_status, 3) self.hostlist.append_column(column) render = gtk.CellRendererText() column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Host"), render, text=HOSTLIST_COL_HOST) column.set_cell_data_func(render, cell_render_host, (1, 2, 4)) column.set_expand(True) self.hostlist.append_column(column) render = gtk.CellRendererText() column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Version"), render, text=HOSTLIST_COL_VERSION) self.hostlist.append_column(column) # Connect the signals to the handlers self.builder.connect_signals(self) self.hostlist.get_selection().connect( "changed", self.on_hostlist_selection_changed ) # Load any saved host entries self.__load_hostlist() self.__load_options() self.__update_list() self.running = True # Trigger the on_selection_changed code and select the first host # if possible self.hostlist.get_selection().unselect_all() if len(self.liststore) > 0: self.hostlist.get_selection().select_path("0") # Run the dialog response = self.connection_manager.run() self.running = False # Save the toggle options self.__save_options() self.__save_hostlist() self.connection_manager.destroy() del self.builder del self.window del self.connection_manager del self.liststore del self.hostlist def add_host(self, host, port, username="", password=""): """ Adds a host to the list. :param host: str, the hostname :param port: int, the port :param username: str, the username to login as :param password: str, the password to login with """ # Check to see if there is already an entry for this host and return # if thats the case for entry in self.liststore: if [entry[HOSTLIST_COL_HOST], entry[HOSTLIST_COL_PORT], entry[HOSTLIST_COL_USER]] == [host, port, username]: raise Exception("Host already in list!") # Host isn't in the list, so lets add it row = self.liststore.append() import time import hashlib self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_ID] = hashlib.sha1(str(time.time())).hexdigest() self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_HOST] = host self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_PORT] = port self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_USER] = username self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_PASS] = password self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS] = "Offline" # Save the host list to file self.__save_hostlist() # Update the status of the hosts self.__update_list() # Private methods def __save_hostlist(self): """ Save the current hostlist to the config file. """ # Grab the hosts from the liststore self.config["hosts"] = [] for row in self.liststore: self.config["hosts"].append((row[HOSTLIST_COL_ID], row[HOSTLIST_COL_HOST], row[HOSTLIST_COL_PORT], row[HOSTLIST_COL_USER], row[HOSTLIST_COL_PASS])) self.config.save() def __load_hostlist(self): """ Load saved host entries """ for host in self.config["hosts"]: new_row = self.liststore.append() self.liststore[new_row][HOSTLIST_COL_ID] = host[0] self.liststore[new_row][HOSTLIST_COL_HOST] = host[1] self.liststore[new_row][HOSTLIST_COL_PORT] = host[2] self.liststore[new_row][HOSTLIST_COL_USER] = host[3] self.liststore[new_row][HOSTLIST_COL_PASS] = host[4] self.liststore[new_row][HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS] = "Offline" self.liststore[new_row][HOSTLIST_COL_VERSION] = "" def __get_host_row(self, host_id): """ Returns the row in the liststore for `:param:host_id` or None """ for row in self.liststore: if host_id == row[HOSTLIST_COL_ID]: return row return None def __update_list(self): """Updates the host status""" if not hasattr(self, "liststore"): # This callback was probably fired after the window closed return def on_connect(result, c, host_id): # Return if the deferred callback was done after the dialog was closed if not self.running: return row = self.__get_host_row(host_id) def on_info(info, c): if not self.running: return if row: row[HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS] = "Online" row[HOSTLIST_COL_VERSION] = info self.__update_buttons() c.disconnect() def on_info_fail(reason, c): if not self.running: return if row: row[HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS] = "Offline" self.__update_buttons() c.disconnect() d = c.daemon.info() d.addCallback(on_info, c) d.addErrback(on_info_fail, c) def on_connect_failed(reason, host_id): if not self.running: return row = self.__get_host_row(host_id) if row: row[HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS] = "Offline" row[HOSTLIST_COL_VERSION] = "" self.__update_buttons() for row in self.liststore: host_id = row[HOSTLIST_COL_ID] host = row[HOSTLIST_COL_HOST] port = row[HOSTLIST_COL_PORT] user = row[HOSTLIST_COL_USER] if client.connected() and \ (host, port, "localclient" if not user and host in ("", "localhost") else user) == client.connection_info(): def on_info(info): if not self.running: return log.debug("Client connected, query info: %s", info) row[HOSTLIST_COL_VERSION] = info self.__update_buttons() row[HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS] = "Connected" log.debug("Query daemon's info") client.daemon.info().addCallback(on_info) continue # Create a new Client instance c = deluge.ui.client.Client() d = c.connect(host, port, skip_authentication=True) d.addCallback(on_connect, c, host_id) d.addErrback(on_connect_failed, host_id) def __load_options(self): """ Set the widgets to show the correct options from the config. """ self.builder.get_object("chk_autoconnect").set_active( self.gtkui_config["autoconnect"] ) self.builder.get_object("chk_autostart").set_active( self.gtkui_config["autostart_localhost"] ) self.builder.get_object("chk_donotshow").set_active( not self.gtkui_config["show_connection_manager_on_start"] ) def __save_options(self): """ Set options in gtkui config from the toggle buttons. """ self.gtkui_config["autoconnect"] = self.builder.get_object("chk_autoconnect").get_active() self.gtkui_config["autostart_localhost"] = self.builder.get_object("chk_autostart").get_active() self.gtkui_config["show_connection_manager_on_start"] = not self.builder.get_object("chk_donotshow").get_active() def __update_buttons(self): """ Updates the buttons states. """ if len(self.liststore) == 0: # There is nothing in the list self.builder.get_object("button_startdaemon").set_sensitive(True) self.builder.get_object("button_connect").set_sensitive(False) self.builder.get_object("button_removehost").set_sensitive(False) self.builder.get_object("image_startdaemon").set_from_stock( gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.builder.get_object("label_startdaemon").set_text("_Start Daemon") model, row = self.hostlist.get_selection().get_selected() if not row: self.builder.get_object("button_edithost").set_sensitive(False) return self.builder.get_object("button_edithost").set_sensitive(True) # Get some values about the selected host status = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS] host = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_HOST] port = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_PORT] user = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_USER] passwd = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_PASS] log.debug("Status: %s", status) # Check to see if we have a localhost entry selected localhost = False if host in ("", "localhost"): localhost = True # Make sure buttons are sensitive at start self.builder.get_object("button_startdaemon").set_sensitive(True) self.builder.get_object("button_connect").set_sensitive(True) self.builder.get_object("button_removehost").set_sensitive(True) # See if this is the currently connected host if status == "Connected": # Display a disconnect button if we're connected to this host self.builder.get_object("button_connect").set_label("gtk-disconnect") self.builder.get_object("button_removehost").set_sensitive(False) else: self.builder.get_object("button_connect").set_label("gtk-connect") if status == "Offline" and not localhost: self.builder.get_object("button_connect").set_sensitive(False) # Check to see if the host is online if status == "Connected" or status == "Online": self.builder.get_object("image_startdaemon").set_from_stock( gtk.STOCK_STOP, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.builder.get_object("label_startdaemon").set_text( _("_Stop Daemon")) # Update the start daemon button if the selected host is localhost if localhost and status == "Offline": # The localhost is not online self.builder.get_object("image_startdaemon").set_from_stock( gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.builder.get_object("label_startdaemon").set_text( _("_Start Daemon")) if client.connected() and (host, port, user) == client.connection_info(): # If we're connected, we can stop the dameon self.builder.get_object("button_startdaemon").set_sensitive(True) elif user and passwd: # In this case we also have all the info to shutdown the daemon self.builder.get_object("button_startdaemon").set_sensitive(True) else: # Can't stop non localhost daemons, specially without the necessary info self.builder.get_object("button_startdaemon").set_sensitive(False) # Make sure label is displayed correctly using mnemonics self.builder.get_object("label_startdaemon").set_use_underline(True) def start_daemon(self, port, config): """ Attempts to start a daemon process and will show an ErrorDialog if unable to. """ try: return client.start_daemon(port, config) except OSError, e: from errno import ENOENT if e.errno == ENOENT: dialogs.ErrorDialog( _("Unable to start daemon!"), _("Deluge cannot find the 'deluged' executable, it is " "likely that you forgot to install the deluged package " "or it's not in your PATH.")).run() return False else: raise e except Exception, e: import traceback import sys tb = sys.exc_info() dialogs.ErrorDialog( _("Unable to start daemon!"), _("Please examine the details for more information."), details=traceback.format_exc(tb[2])).run() # Signal handlers def __connect(self, host_id, host, port, username, password, skip_authentication=False, try_counter=0): def do_connect(*args): d = client.connect(host, port, username, password, skip_authentication) d.addCallback(self.__on_connected, host_id) d.addErrback(self.__on_connected_failed, host_id, host, port, username, password, try_counter) return d if client.connected(): return client.disconnect().addCallback(do_connect) else: return do_connect() def __on_connected(self, daemon_info, host_id): if self.gtkui_config["autoconnect"]: self.gtkui_config["autoconnect_host_id"] = host_id if self.running: # When connected to a client, and then trying to connect to another, # this component will be stopped(while the connect deferred is # running), so, self.connection_manager will be deleted. # If that's not the case, close the dialog. self.connection_manager.response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) component.start() def __on_connected_failed(self, reason, host_id, host, port, user, passwd, try_counter): log.debug("Failed to connect: %s", reason.value) if reason.check(AuthenticationRequired, BadLoginError): log.debug("PasswordRequired exception") dialog = dialogs.AuthenticationDialog( reason.value.message, reason.value.username ) def dialog_finished(response_id, host, port, user): if response_id == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.__connect(host_id, host, port, user and user or dialog.get_username(), dialog.get_password()) d = dialog.run().addCallback(dialog_finished, host, port, user) return d elif reason.trap(IncompatibleClient): dialog = dialogs.ErrorDialog( _("Incompatible Client"), reason.value.message ) return dialog.run() if try_counter: log.info("Retrying connection.. Retries left: %s", try_counter) return reactor.callLater( 0.5, self.__connect, host_id, host, port, user, passwd, try_counter=try_counter-1 ) msg = str(reason.value) if not self.builder.get_object("chk_autostart").get_active(): msg += '\n' + _("Auto-starting the daemon locally is not enabled. " "See \"Options\" on the \"Connection Manager\".") dialogs.ErrorDialog(_("Failed To Connect"), msg).run() def on_button_connect_clicked(self, widget=None): model, row = self.hostlist.get_selection().get_selected() if not row: return status = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS] if status == "Connected": def on_disconnect(reason): self.__update_list() client.disconnect().addCallback(on_disconnect) return host_id = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_ID] host = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_HOST] port = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_PORT] user = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_USER] password = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_PASS] if status == "Offline" and \ self.builder.get_object("chk_autostart").get_active() and \ host in ("", "localhost"): if not self.start_daemon(port, deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir()): log.debug("Failed to auto-start daemon") return return self.__connect( host_id, host, port, user, password, try_counter=6 ) return self.__connect(host_id, host, port, user, password) def on_button_close_clicked(self, widget): self.connection_manager.response(gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE) def on_button_addhost_clicked(self, widget): log.debug("on_button_addhost_clicked") dialog = self.builder.get_object("addhost_dialog") dialog.set_transient_for(self.connection_manager) dialog.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT) hostname_entry = self.builder.get_object("entry_hostname") port_spinbutton = self.builder.get_object("spinbutton_port") username_entry = self.builder.get_object("entry_username") password_entry = self.builder.get_object("entry_password") button_addhost_save = self.builder.get_object("button_addhost_save") button_addhost_save.hide() button_addhost_add = self.builder.get_object("button_addhost_add") button_addhost_add.show() response = dialog.run() if response == 1: username = username_entry.get_text() password = password_entry.get_text() hostname = hostname_entry.get_text() if (not password and not username or username == "localclient") and hostname in ["", "localhost"]: username, password = get_localhost_auth() # We add the host try: self.add_host(hostname, port_spinbutton.get_value_as_int(), username, password) except Exception, e: from deluge.ui.gtkui.dialogs import ErrorDialog ErrorDialog(_("Error Adding Host"), e).run() username_entry.set_text("") password_entry.set_text("") hostname_entry.set_text("") port_spinbutton.set_value(58846) dialog.hide() def on_button_edithost_clicked(self, widget=None): log.debug("on_button_edithost_clicked") model, row = self.hostlist.get_selection().get_selected() status = model[row][HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS] if status == "Connected": def on_disconnect(reason): self.__update_list() client.disconnect().addCallback(on_disconnect) return dialog = self.builder.get_object("addhost_dialog") dialog.set_transient_for(self.connection_manager) dialog.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT) hostname_entry = self.builder.get_object("entry_hostname") port_spinbutton = self.builder.get_object("spinbutton_port") username_entry = self.builder.get_object("entry_username") password_entry = self.builder.get_object("entry_password") button_addhost_save = self.builder.get_object("button_addhost_save") button_addhost_save.show() button_addhost_add = self.builder.get_object("button_addhost_add") button_addhost_add.hide() username_entry.set_text(self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_USER]) password_entry.set_text(self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_PASS]) hostname_entry.set_text(self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_HOST]) port_spinbutton.set_value(self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_PORT]) response = dialog.run() if response == 2: username = username_entry.get_text() password = password_entry.get_text() hostname = hostname_entry.get_text() if (not password and not username or username == "localclient") and hostname in ["", "localhost"]: username, password = get_localhost_auth() self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_HOST] = hostname self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_PORT] = port_spinbutton.get_value_as_int() self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_USER] = username self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_PASS] = password self.liststore[row][HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS] = "Offline" # Save the host list to file self.__save_hostlist() # Update the status of the hosts self.__update_list() username_entry.set_text("") password_entry.set_text("") hostname_entry.set_text("") port_spinbutton.set_value(58846) dialog.hide() def on_button_removehost_clicked(self, widget): log.debug("on_button_removehost_clicked") # Get the selected rows paths = self.hostlist.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] for path in paths: self.liststore.remove(self.liststore.get_iter(path)) # Update the hostlist self.__update_list() # Save the host list self.__save_hostlist() def on_button_startdaemon_clicked(self, widget): log.debug("on_button_startdaemon_clicked") if self.liststore.iter_n_children(None) < 1: # There is nothing in the list, so lets create a localhost entry self.add_host(DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT, *get_localhost_auth()) # ..and start the daemon. self.start_daemon( DEFAULT_PORT, deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir() ) return paths = self.hostlist.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] if len(paths) < 1: return status = self.liststore[paths[0]][HOSTLIST_COL_STATUS] host = self.liststore[paths[0]][HOSTLIST_COL_HOST] port = self.liststore[paths[0]][HOSTLIST_COL_PORT] user = self.liststore[paths[0]][HOSTLIST_COL_USER] password = self.liststore[paths[0]][HOSTLIST_COL_PASS] if host not in ("", "localhost"): return if status in ("Online", "Connected"): # We need to stop this daemon # Call the shutdown method on the daemon def on_daemon_shutdown(d): # Update display to show change reactor.callLater(0.8, self.__update_list) if client.connected() and client.connection_info() == (host, port, user): client.daemon.shutdown().addCallback(on_daemon_shutdown) elif user and password: # Create a new client instance c = deluge.ui.client.Client() def on_connect(d, c): log.debug("on_connect") c.daemon.shutdown().addCallback(on_daemon_shutdown) c.connect(host, port, user, password).addCallback(on_connect, c) elif status == "Offline": self.start_daemon(port, deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir()) reactor.callLater(0.8, self.__update_list) def on_button_refresh_clicked(self, widget): self.__update_list() def on_hostlist_row_activated(self, tree, path, view_column): self.on_button_connect_clicked() def on_hostlist_selection_changed(self, treeselection): self.__update_buttons() def on_askpassword_dialog_connect_button_clicked(self, widget): log.debug("on on_askpassword_dialog_connect_button_clicked") self.askpassword_dialog.response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) def on_askpassword_dialog_entry_activate(self, entry): self.askpassword_dialog.response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) def __migrate_config_1_to_2(self, config): localclient_username, localclient_password = get_localhost_auth() if not localclient_username: # Nothing to do here, there's no auth file return for idx, (_, host, _, username, _) in enumerate(config["hosts"][:]): if host in ("", "localhost"): if not username: config["hosts"][idx][3] = localclient_username config["hosts"][idx][4] = localclient_password return config