# # torrent.py # # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andrew Resch # # Deluge is free software. # # You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the # GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # deluge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with deluge. If not, write to: # The Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give # permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL # library. # You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of # the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this # exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), # but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete # this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception # statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here. # """Internal Torrent class""" import os import time import logging import re from urllib import unquote from urlparse import urlparse from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, DeferredList from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall from deluge._libtorrent import lt import deluge.common import deluge.component as component from deluge.configmanager import ConfigManager, get_config_dir from deluge.event import * TORRENT_STATE = deluge.common.TORRENT_STATE log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def sanitize_filepath(filepath, folder=False): """ Returns a sanitized filepath to pass to libotorrent rename_file(). The filepath will have backslashes substituted along with whitespace padding and duplicate slashes stripped. If `folder` is True a trailing slash is appended to the returned filepath. """ def clean_filename(filename): filename = filename.strip() if filename.replace('.', '') == '': return '' return filename if '\\' in filepath or '/' in filepath: folderpath = filepath.replace('\\', '/').split('/') folderpath = [clean_filename(x) for x in folderpath] newfilepath = '/'.join(filter(None, folderpath)) else: newfilepath = clean_filename(filepath) if folder is True: return newfilepath + '/' else: return newfilepath class TorrentOptions(dict): def __init__(self): config = ConfigManager("core.conf").config options_conf_map = { "max_connections": "max_connections_per_torrent", "max_upload_slots": "max_upload_slots_per_torrent", "max_upload_speed": "max_upload_speed_per_torrent", "max_download_speed": "max_download_speed_per_torrent", "prioritize_first_last_pieces": "prioritize_first_last_pieces", "sequential_download": "sequential_download", "compact_allocation": "compact_allocation", "download_location": "download_location", "auto_managed": "auto_managed", "stop_at_ratio": "stop_seed_at_ratio", "stop_ratio": "stop_seed_ratio", "remove_at_ratio": "remove_seed_at_ratio", "move_completed": "move_completed", "move_completed_path": "move_completed_path", "add_paused": "add_paused", "shared": "shared" } for opt_k, conf_k in options_conf_map.iteritems(): self[opt_k] = config[conf_k] self["file_priorities"] = [] self["mapped_files"] = {} class Torrent(object): """Torrent holds information about torrents added to the libtorrent session. """ def __init__(self, handle, options, state=None, filename=None, magnet=None, owner=None): # Set the torrent_id for this torrent self.torrent_id = str(handle.info_hash()) if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug("Creating torrent object %s", self.torrent_id) # Get the core config self.config = ConfigManager("core.conf") self.rpcserver = component.get("RPCServer") # This dict holds previous status dicts returned for this torrent # We use this to return dicts that only contain changes from the previous # {session_id: status_dict, ...} self.prev_status = {} self.prev_status_cleanup_loop = LoopingCall(self.cleanup_prev_status) self.prev_status_cleanup_loop.start(10) # Set the libtorrent handle self.handle = handle # Keep a list of Deferreds for file indexes we're waiting for file_rename alerts on # This is so we can send one folder_renamed signal instead of multiple # file_renamed signals. # [{index: Deferred, ...}, ...] self.waiting_on_folder_rename = [] # We store the filename just in case we need to make a copy of the torrentfile if not filename: # If no filename was provided, then just use the infohash filename = self.torrent_id self.filename = filename # Store the magnet uri used to add this torrent if available self.magnet = magnet # Holds status info so that we don't need to keep getting it from lt self.status = self.handle.status() try: self.torrent_info = self.handle.get_torrent_info() except RuntimeError: self.torrent_info = None self.handle_has_metadata = None self.status_funcs = None # Default total_uploaded to 0, this may be changed by the state self.total_uploaded = 0 # Set the default options self.options = TorrentOptions() self.options.update(options) # We need to keep track if the torrent is finished in the state to prevent # some weird things on state load. self.is_finished = False # Load values from state if we have it if state: # This is for saving the total uploaded between sessions self.total_uploaded = state.total_uploaded # Set the trackers self.set_trackers(state.trackers) # Set the filename self.filename = state.filename self.is_finished = state.is_finished else: # Tracker list self.trackers = [] # Create a list of trackers for tracker in self.handle.trackers(): self.trackers.append(tracker) # Various torrent options self.handle.resolve_countries(True) self.set_options(self.options) # Status message holds error info about the torrent self.statusmsg = "OK" # The torrents state # This is only one out of 4 calls to update_state for each torrent on startup. # This call doesn't seem to be necessary, it can probably be removed #self.update_state() self.state = None self.tracker_status = "" # This gets updated when get_tracker_host is called self.tracker_host = None if state: self.time_added = state.time_added else: self.time_added = time.time() # Keep track of the owner if state: self.owner = state.owner else: self.owner = owner # Keep track of last seen complete if state: self._last_seen_complete = state.last_seen_complete or 0.0 else: self._last_seen_complete = 0.0 # Keep track if we're forcing a recheck of the torrent so that we can # re-pause it after its done if necessary self.forcing_recheck = False self.forcing_recheck_paused = False self.update_status(self.handle.status()) self._create_status_funcs() if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug("Torrent object created.") def has_metadata(self): if self.handle_has_metadata: return self.handle_has_metadata self.handle_has_metadata = self.handle.has_metadata() return self.handle_has_metadata ## Options methods ## def set_options(self, options): OPTIONS_FUNCS = { # Functions used for setting options "auto_managed": self.set_auto_managed, "download_location": self.set_save_path, "file_priorities": self.set_file_priorities, "max_connections": self.handle.set_max_connections, "max_download_speed": self.set_max_download_speed, "max_upload_slots": self.handle.set_max_uploads, "max_upload_speed": self.set_max_upload_speed, "prioritize_first_last_pieces": self.set_prioritize_first_last, "sequential_download": self.set_sequential_download } # set_prioritize_first_last is called by set_file_priorities, # so remove if file_priorities is set in options. if "file_priorities" in options: del OPTIONS_FUNCS["prioritize_first_last_pieces"] for (key, value) in options.items(): if OPTIONS_FUNCS.has_key(key): OPTIONS_FUNCS[key](value) self.options.update(options) def get_options(self): return self.options def get_name(self): if self.has_metadata(): name = self.torrent_info.file_at(0).path.replace("\\", "/", 1).split("/", 1)[0] if not name: name = self.torrent_info.name() try: return name.decode("utf8", "ignore") except UnicodeDecodeError: return name elif self.magnet: try: keys = dict([k.split('=') for k in self.magnet.split('?')[-1].split('&')]) name = keys.get('dn') if not name: return self.torrent_id name = unquote(name).replace('+', ' ') try: return name.decode("utf8", "ignore") except UnicodeDecodeError: return name except: pass return self.torrent_id def set_owner(self, account): self.owner = account def set_max_connections(self, max_connections): self.options["max_connections"] = int(max_connections) self.handle.set_max_connections(max_connections) def set_max_upload_slots(self, max_slots): self.options["max_upload_slots"] = int(max_slots) self.handle.set_max_uploads(max_slots) def set_max_upload_speed(self, m_up_speed): self.options["max_upload_speed"] = m_up_speed if m_up_speed < 0: v = -1 else: v = int(m_up_speed * 1024) self.handle.set_upload_limit(v) def set_max_download_speed(self, m_down_speed): self.options["max_download_speed"] = m_down_speed if m_down_speed < 0: v = -1 else: v = int(m_down_speed * 1024) self.handle.set_download_limit(v) def set_prioritize_first_last(self, prioritize): self.options["prioritize_first_last_pieces"] = prioritize if not prioritize: # If we are turning off this option, call set_file_priorities to # reset all the piece priorities self.set_file_priorities(self.options["file_priorities"]) return if not self.has_metadata(): return if self.options["compact_allocation"]: log.debug("Setting first/last priority with compact " "allocation does not work!") return # A list of priorities for each piece in the torrent priorities = self.handle.piece_priorities() prioritized_pieces = [] ti = self.torrent_info for i in range(ti.num_files()): f = ti.file_at(i) two_percent_bytes = int(0.02 * f.size) # Get the pieces for the byte offsets first_start = ti.map_file(i, 0, 0).piece first_end = ti.map_file(i, two_percent_bytes, 0).piece last_start = ti.map_file(i, f.size - two_percent_bytes, 0).piece last_end = ti.map_file(i, max(f.size - 1, 0), 0).piece first_end += 1 last_end += 1 prioritized_pieces.append((first_start, first_end)) prioritized_pieces.append((last_start, last_end)) # Creating two lists with priorites for the first/last pieces # of this file, and insert the priorities into the list first_list = [7] * (first_end - first_start) last_list = [7] * (last_end - last_start) priorities[first_start:first_end] = first_list priorities[last_start:last_end] = last_list # Setting the priorites for all the pieces of this torrent self.handle.prioritize_pieces(priorities) return prioritized_pieces, priorities def set_sequential_download(self, set_sequencial): self.options["sequential_download"] = set_sequencial self.handle.set_sequential_download(set_sequencial) def set_auto_managed(self, auto_managed): self.options["auto_managed"] = auto_managed if not (self.handle.is_paused() and not self.handle.is_auto_managed()): self.handle.auto_managed(auto_managed) self.update_state() def set_stop_ratio(self, stop_ratio): self.options["stop_ratio"] = stop_ratio def set_stop_at_ratio(self, stop_at_ratio): self.options["stop_at_ratio"] = stop_at_ratio def set_remove_at_ratio(self, remove_at_ratio): self.options["remove_at_ratio"] = remove_at_ratio def set_move_completed(self, move_completed): self.options["move_completed"] = move_completed def set_move_completed_path(self, move_completed_path): self.options["move_completed_path"] = move_completed_path def set_file_priorities(self, file_priorities): if not self.has_metadata(): return if len(file_priorities) != self.ti_num_files(): log.debug("file_priorities len != num_files") self.options["file_priorities"] = self.handle.file_priorities() return if self.options["compact_allocation"]: log.debug("setting file priority with compact allocation does not work!") self.options["file_priorities"] = self.handle.file_priorities() return if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug("setting %s's file priorities: %s", self.torrent_id, file_priorities) self.handle.prioritize_files(file_priorities) if 0 in self.options["file_priorities"]: # We have previously marked a file 'Do Not Download' # Check to see if we have changed any 0's to >0 and change state accordingly for index, priority in enumerate(self.options["file_priorities"]): if priority == 0 and file_priorities[index] > 0: # We have a changed 'Do Not Download' to a download priority self.is_finished = False self.update_state() break # In case values in file_priorities were faulty (old state?) # we make sure the stored options are in sync self.options["file_priorities"] = self.handle.file_priorities() # Set the first/last priorities if needed if self.options["prioritize_first_last_pieces"]: self.set_prioritize_first_last(self.options["prioritize_first_last_pieces"]) def set_trackers(self, trackers): """Sets trackers""" if trackers == None: trackers = [] for value in self.handle.trackers(): tracker = {} tracker["url"] = value.url tracker["tier"] = value.tier trackers.append(tracker) self.trackers = trackers self.tracker_host = None return if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug("Setting trackers for %s: %s", self.torrent_id, trackers) tracker_list = [] for tracker in trackers: new_entry = lt.announce_entry(str(tracker["url"])) new_entry.tier = tracker["tier"] tracker_list.append(new_entry) self.handle.replace_trackers(tracker_list) # Print out the trackers if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): for t in self.handle.trackers(): log.debug("tier: %s tracker: %s", t["tier"], t["url"]) # Set the tracker list in the torrent object self.trackers = trackers if len(trackers) > 0: # Force a re-announce if there is at least 1 tracker self.force_reannounce() self.tracker_host = None ### End Options methods ### def set_save_path(self, save_path): self.options["download_location"] = save_path def set_tracker_status(self, status): """Sets the tracker status""" self.tracker_status = self.get_tracker_host() + ": " + status def update_state(self): """Updates the state based on what libtorrent's state for the torrent is""" # Set the initial state based on the lt state LTSTATE = deluge.common.LT_TORRENT_STATE status = self.handle.status() ltstate = int(status.state) # Set self.state to the ltstate right away just incase we don't hit some # of the logic below if ltstate in LTSTATE: self.state = LTSTATE[ltstate] else: self.state = str(ltstate) session_is_paused = component.get("Core").session.is_paused() is_auto_managed = self.handle.is_auto_managed() handle_is_paused = self.handle.is_paused() if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug("set_state_based_on_ltstate: %s", deluge.common.LT_TORRENT_STATE[ltstate]) log.debug("session.is_paused: %s", session_is_paused) # First we check for an error from libtorrent, and set the state to that # if any occurred. if len(status.error) > 0: # This is an error'd torrent self.state = "Error" self.set_status_message(status.error) if handle_is_paused: self.handle.auto_managed(False) return if ltstate == LTSTATE["Queued"] or ltstate == LTSTATE["Checking"]: if handle_is_paused: self.state = "Paused" else: self.state = "Checking" return elif ltstate == LTSTATE["Downloading"] or ltstate == LTSTATE["Downloading Metadata"]: self.state = "Downloading" elif ltstate == LTSTATE["Finished"] or ltstate == LTSTATE["Seeding"]: self.state = "Seeding" elif ltstate == LTSTATE["Allocating"]: self.state = "Allocating" if not session_is_paused and handle_is_paused and is_auto_managed: self.state = "Queued" elif session_is_paused or (handle_is_paused and not is_auto_managed): self.state = "Paused" def set_state(self, state): """Accepts state strings, ie, "Paused", "Seeding", etc.""" if state not in TORRENT_STATE: log.debug("Trying to set an invalid state %s", state) return self.state = state return def set_status_message(self, message): self.statusmsg = message def get_eta(self): """Returns the ETA in seconds for this torrent""" status = self.status if self.is_finished and self.options["stop_at_ratio"]: # We're a seed, so calculate the time to the 'stop_share_ratio' if not status.upload_payload_rate: return 0 stop_ratio = self.options["stop_ratio"] return ((status.all_time_download * stop_ratio) - status.all_time_upload) / status.upload_payload_rate left = status.total_wanted - status.total_wanted_done if left <= 0 or status.download_payload_rate == 0: return 0 try: eta = left / status.download_payload_rate except ZeroDivisionError: eta = 0 return eta def get_ratio(self): """Returns the ratio for this torrent""" if self.status.total_done > 0: # We use 'total_done' if the downloaded value is 0 downloaded = self.status.total_done else: # Return -1.0 to signify infinity return -1.0 return float(self.status.all_time_upload) / float(downloaded) def get_files(self): """Returns a list of files this torrent contains""" if not self.has_metadata(): return [] ret = [] files = self.torrent_info.files() for index, file in enumerate(files): ret.append({ 'index': index, 'path': file.path.decode("utf8").replace('\\', '/'), 'size': file.size, 'offset': file.offset }) return ret def get_peers(self): """Returns a list of peers and various information about them""" ret = [] peers = self.handle.get_peer_info() for peer in peers: # We do not want to report peers that are half-connected if peer.flags & peer.connecting or peer.flags & peer.handshake: continue try: client = str(peer.client).decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: client = str(peer.client).decode("latin-1") # Make country a proper string country = str() for c in peer.country: if not c.isalpha(): country += " " else: country += c ret.append({ "client": client, "country": country, "down_speed": peer.payload_down_speed, "ip": "%s:%s" % (peer.ip[0], peer.ip[1]), "progress": peer.progress, "seed": peer.flags & peer.seed, "up_speed": peer.payload_up_speed, }) return ret def get_queue_position(self): """Returns the torrents queue position""" return self.handle.queue_position() def get_file_progress(self): """Returns the file progress as a list of floats.. 0.0 -> 1.0""" if not self.has_metadata(): return 0.0 file_progress = self.handle.file_progress() ret = [] for i,f in enumerate(self.get_files()): try: ret.append(float(file_progress[i]) / float(f["size"])) except ZeroDivisionError: ret.append(0.0) return ret def get_tracker_host(self): """Returns just the hostname of the currently connected tracker if no tracker is connected, it uses the 1st tracker.""" if self.tracker_host: return self.tracker_host tracker = self.status.current_tracker if not tracker and self.trackers: tracker = self.trackers[0]["url"] if tracker: url = urlparse(tracker.replace("udp://", "http://")) if hasattr(url, "hostname"): host = (url.hostname or 'DHT') # Check if hostname is an IP address and just return it if that's the case import socket try: socket.inet_aton(host) except socket.error: pass else: # This is an IP address because an exception wasn't raised return url.hostname parts = host.split(".") if len(parts) > 2: if parts[-2] in ("co", "com", "net", "org") or parts[-1] in ("uk"): host = ".".join(parts[-3:]) else: host = ".".join(parts[-2:]) self.tracker_host = host return host return "" def get_last_seen_complete(self): """ Returns the time a torrent was last seen complete, ie, with all pieces available. """ if lt.version_minor > 15: return self.status.last_seen_complete self.calculate_last_seen_complete() return self._last_seen_complete def get_status(self, keys, diff=False, update=False): """ Returns the status of the torrent based on the keys provided :param keys: the keys to get the status on :type keys: list of str :param diff: if True, will return a diff of the changes since the last call to get_status based on the session_id :type diff: bool :param update: if True, the status will be updated from libtorrent if False, the cached values will be returned :type update: bool :returns: a dictionary of the status keys and their values :rtype: dict """ if update: self.update_status(self.handle.status()) if not keys: keys = self.status_funcs.keys() status_dict = {} for key in keys: status_dict[key] = self.status_funcs[key]() if diff: session_id = self.rpcserver.get_session_id() if session_id in self.prev_status: # We have a previous status dict, so lets make a diff status_diff = {} for key, value in status_dict.items(): if key in self.prev_status[session_id]: if value != self.prev_status[session_id][key]: status_diff[key] = value else: status_diff[key] = value self.prev_status[session_id] = status_dict return status_diff self.prev_status[session_id] = status_dict return status_dict return status_dict def update_status(self, status): """ Updates the cached status. :param status: a libtorrent status :type status: libtorrent.torrent_status """ #import datetime #print datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f"), #print " update_status" self.status = status if self.torrent_info is None and self.has_metadata(): self.torrent_info = self.handle.get_torrent_info() def _create_status_funcs(self): #if you add a key here->add it to core.py STATUS_KEYS too. self.status_funcs = { "active_time": lambda: self.status.active_time, "all_time_download": lambda: self.status.all_time_download, "compact": lambda: self.options["compact_allocation"], "distributed_copies": lambda: 0.0 if self.status.distributed_copies < 0 else \ self.status.distributed_copies, # Adjust status.distributed_copies to return a non-negative value "download_payload_rate": lambda: self.status.download_payload_rate, "file_priorities": lambda: self.options["file_priorities"], "hash": lambda: self.torrent_id, "is_auto_managed": lambda: self.options["auto_managed"], "is_finished": lambda: self.is_finished, "max_connections": lambda: self.options["max_connections"], "max_download_speed": lambda: self.options["max_download_speed"], "max_upload_slots": lambda: self.options["max_upload_slots"], "max_upload_speed": lambda: self.options["max_upload_speed"], "message": lambda: self.statusmsg, "move_on_completed_path": lambda: self.options["move_completed_path"], "move_on_completed": lambda: self.options["move_completed"], "move_completed_path": lambda: self.options["move_completed_path"], "move_completed": lambda: self.options["move_completed"], "next_announce": lambda: self.status.next_announce.seconds, "num_peers": lambda: self.status.num_peers - self.status.num_seeds, "num_seeds": lambda: self.status.num_seeds, "owner": lambda: self.owner, "paused": lambda: self.status.paused, "prioritize_first_last": lambda: self.options["prioritize_first_last_pieces"], "sequential_download": lambda: self.options["sequential_download"], "progress": lambda: self.status.progress * 100, "shared": lambda: self.options["shared"], "remove_at_ratio": lambda: self.options["remove_at_ratio"], "save_path": lambda: self.options["download_location"], "seeding_time": lambda: self.status.seeding_time, "seeds_peers_ratio": lambda: -1.0 if self.status.num_incomplete == 0 else \ self.status.num_complete / float(self.status.num_incomplete), # Use -1.0 to signify infinity "seed_rank": lambda: self.status.seed_rank, "state": lambda: self.state, "stop_at_ratio": lambda: self.options["stop_at_ratio"], "stop_ratio": lambda: self.options["stop_ratio"], "time_added": lambda: self.time_added, "total_done": lambda: self.status.total_done, "total_payload_download": lambda: self.status.total_payload_download, "total_payload_upload": lambda: self.status.total_payload_upload, "total_peers": lambda: self.status.num_incomplete, "total_seeds": lambda: self.status.num_complete, "total_uploaded": lambda: self.status.all_time_upload, "total_wanted": lambda: self.status.total_wanted, "tracker": lambda: self.status.current_tracker, "trackers": lambda: self.trackers, "tracker_status": lambda: self.tracker_status, "upload_payload_rate": lambda: self.status.upload_payload_rate, "eta": self.get_eta, "file_progress": self.get_file_progress, # Adjust progress to be 0-100 value "files": self.get_files, "is_seed": self.handle.is_seed, "peers": self.get_peers, "queue": self.handle.queue_position, "ratio": self.get_ratio, "tracker_host": self.get_tracker_host, "last_seen_complete": self.get_last_seen_complete, "comment": self.ti_comment, "name": self.ti_name, "num_files": self.ti_num_files, "num_pieces": self.ti_num_pieces, "pieces": self.ti_pieces_info, "piece_length": self.ti_piece_length, "private": self.ti_priv, "total_size": self.ti_total_size, } def ti_comment(self): if self.has_metadata(): try: return self.torrent_info.comment().decode("utf8", "ignore") except UnicodeDecodeError: return self.torrent_info.comment() return "" def ti_name(self): if self.has_metadata(): name = self.torrent_info.file_at(0).path.split("/", 1)[0] if not name: name = self.torrent_info.name() try: return name.decode("utf8", "ignore") except UnicodeDecodeError: return name elif self.magnet: try: keys = dict([k.split('=') for k in self.magnet.split('?')[-1].split('&')]) name = keys.get('dn') if not name: return self.torrent_id name = unquote(name).replace('+', ' ') try: return name.decode("utf8", "ignore") except UnicodeDecodeError: return name except: pass return self.torrent_id def ti_priv(self): if self.has_metadata(): return self.torrent_info.priv() return False def ti_total_size(self): if self.has_metadata(): return self.torrent_info.total_size() return 0 def ti_num_files(self): if self.has_metadata(): return self.torrent_info.num_files() return 0 def ti_num_pieces(self): if self.has_metadata(): return self.torrent_info.num_pieces() return 0 def ti_piece_length(self): if self.has_metadata(): return self.torrent_info.piece_length() return 0 def ti_pieces_info(self): if self.has_metadata(): return self.get_pieces_info() return None def apply_options(self): """Applies the per-torrent options that are set.""" self.handle.set_max_connections(self.max_connections) self.handle.set_max_uploads(self.max_upload_slots) self.handle.set_upload_limit(int(self.max_upload_speed * 1024)) self.handle.set_download_limit(int(self.max_download_speed * 1024)) self.handle.prioritize_files(self.file_priorities) self.handle.set_sequential_download(self.options["sequential_download"]) self.handle.resolve_countries(True) def pause(self): """Pause this torrent""" # Turn off auto-management so the torrent will not be unpaused by lt queueing self.handle.auto_managed(False) if self.handle.is_paused(): # This torrent was probably paused due to being auto managed by lt # Since we turned auto_managed off, we should update the state which should # show it as 'Paused'. We need to emit a torrent_paused signal because # the torrent_paused alert from libtorrent will not be generated. self.update_state() component.get("EventManager").emit(TorrentStateChangedEvent(self.torrent_id, "Paused")) else: try: self.handle.pause() except Exception, e: log.debug("Unable to pause torrent: %s", e) return False return True def resume(self): """Resumes this torrent""" if self.handle.is_paused() and self.handle.is_auto_managed(): log.debug("Torrent is being auto-managed, cannot resume!") return else: # Reset the status message just in case of resuming an Error'd torrent self.set_status_message("OK") if self.handle.is_finished(): # If the torrent has already reached it's 'stop_seed_ratio' then do not do anything if self.options["stop_at_ratio"]: if self.get_ratio() >= self.options["stop_ratio"]: #XXX: This should just be returned in the RPC Response, no event #self.signals.emit_event("torrent_resume_at_stop_ratio") return if self.options["auto_managed"]: # This torrent is to be auto-managed by lt queueing self.handle.auto_managed(True) try: self.handle.resume() except: pass return True def connect_peer(self, ip, port): """adds manual peer""" try: self.handle.connect_peer((ip, int(port)), 0) except Exception, e: log.debug("Unable to connect to peer: %s", e) return False return True def move_storage(self, dest): """Move a torrent's storage location""" try: dest = unicode(dest, "utf-8") except TypeError: # String is already unicode pass if not os.path.exists(dest): try: # Try to make the destination path if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(dest) except IOError, e: log.exception(e) log.error("Could not move storage for torrent %s since %s does " "not exist and could not create the directory.", self.torrent_id, dest) return False dest_bytes = dest.encode('utf-8') try: # libtorrent needs unicode object if wstrings are enabled, utf8 bytestring otherwise try: self.handle.move_storage(dest) except TypeError: self.handle.move_storage(dest_bytes) except Exception, e: log.error("Error calling libtorrent move_storage: %s" % e) return False return True def save_resume_data(self): """Signals libtorrent to build resume data for this torrent, it gets returned in a libtorrent alert""" self.handle.save_resume_data() def write_torrentfile(self): """Writes the torrent file""" path = "%s/%s.torrent" % ( os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "state"), self.torrent_id) log.debug("Writing torrent file: %s", path) try: # Regenerate the file priorities self.set_file_priorities([]) md = lt.bdecode(self.torrent_info.metadata()) torrent_file = {} torrent_file["info"] = md open(path, "wb").write(lt.bencode(torrent_file)) except Exception, e: log.warning("Unable to save torrent file: %s", e) def delete_torrentfile(self): """Deletes the .torrent file in the state""" path = "%s/%s.torrent" % ( os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "state"), self.torrent_id) log.debug("Deleting torrent file: %s", path) try: os.remove(path) except Exception, e: log.warning("Unable to delete the torrent file: %s", e) def force_reannounce(self): """Force a tracker reannounce""" try: self.handle.force_reannounce() except Exception, e: log.debug("Unable to force reannounce: %s", e) return False return True def scrape_tracker(self): """Scrape the tracker""" try: self.handle.scrape_tracker() except Exception, e: log.debug("Unable to scrape tracker: %s", e) return False return True def force_recheck(self): """Forces a recheck of the torrents pieces""" paused = self.handle.is_paused() try: self.handle.force_recheck() self.handle.resume() except Exception, e: log.debug("Unable to force recheck: %s", e) return False self.forcing_recheck = True self.forcing_recheck_paused = paused return True def rename_files(self, filenames): """Renames files in the torrent. 'filenames' should be a list of (index, filename) pairs.""" for index, filename in filenames: # Make sure filename is a unicode object try: filename = unicode(filename, "utf-8") except TypeError: pass filename = sanitize_filepath(filename) # libtorrent needs unicode object if wstrings are enabled, utf8 bytestring otherwise try: self.handle.rename_file(index, filename) except TypeError: self.handle.rename_file(index, filename.encode("utf-8")) def rename_folder(self, folder, new_folder): """ Renames a folder within a torrent. This basically does a file rename on all of the folders children. :returns: A deferred which fires when the rename is complete :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ log.debug("attempting to rename folder: %s to %s", folder, new_folder) if len(new_folder) < 1: log.error("Attempting to rename a folder with an invalid folder name: %s", new_folder) return new_folder = sanitize_filepath(new_folder, folder=True) def on_file_rename_complete(result, wait_dict, index): wait_dict.pop(index, None) wait_on_folder = {} self.waiting_on_folder_rename.append(wait_on_folder) for f in self.get_files(): if f["path"].startswith(folder): # Keep track of filerenames we're waiting on wait_on_folder[f["index"]] = Deferred().addBoth(on_file_rename_complete, wait_on_folder, f["index"]) self.handle.rename_file(f["index"], f["path"].replace(folder, new_folder, 1).encode("utf-8")) def on_folder_rename_complete(result, torrent, folder, new_folder): component.get("EventManager").emit(TorrentFolderRenamedEvent(torrent.torrent_id, folder, new_folder)) # Empty folders are removed after libtorrent folder renames self.remove_empty_folders(folder) torrent.waiting_on_folder_rename = filter(None, torrent.waiting_on_folder_rename) component.get("TorrentManager").save_resume_data((self.torrent_id,)) d = DeferredList(wait_on_folder.values()) d.addBoth(on_folder_rename_complete, self, folder, new_folder) return d def remove_empty_folders(self, folder): """ Recursively removes folders but only if they are empty. Cleans up after libtorrent folder renames. """ info = self.get_status(['save_path']) # Regex removes leading slashes that causes join function to ignore save_path folder_full_path = os.path.join(info['save_path'], re.sub("^/*", "", folder)) folder_full_path = os.path.normpath(folder_full_path) try: if not os.listdir(folder_full_path): os.removedirs(folder_full_path) log.debug("Removed Empty Folder %s", folder_full_path) else: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_full_path, topdown=False): for name in dirs: try: os.removedirs(os.path.join(root, name)) log.debug("Removed Empty Folder %s", os.path.join(root, name)) except OSError as (errno, strerror): from errno import ENOTEMPTY if errno == ENOTEMPTY: # Error raised if folder is not empty log.debug("%s", strerror) except OSError as (errno, strerror): log.debug("Cannot Remove Folder: %s (ErrNo %s)", strerror, errno) def cleanup_prev_status(self): """ This method gets called to check the validity of the keys in the prev_status dict. If the key is no longer valid, the dict will be deleted. """ for key in self.prev_status.keys(): if not self.rpcserver.is_session_valid(key): del self.prev_status[key] def calculate_last_seen_complete(self): if self._last_seen_complete+60 > time.time(): # Simple caching. Only calculate every 1 min at minimum return self._last_seen_complete availability = self.handle.piece_availability() if filter(lambda x: x<1, availability): # Torrent does not have all the pieces return log.trace("Torrent %s has all the pieces. Setting last seen complete.", self.torrent_id) self._last_seen_complete = time.time() def get_pieces_info(self): pieces = {} # First get the pieces availability. availability = self.handle.piece_availability() # Pieces from connected peers for peer_info in self.handle.get_peer_info(): if peer_info.downloading_piece_index < 0: # No piece index, then we're not downloading anything from # this peer continue pieces[peer_info.downloading_piece_index] = 2 # Now, the rest of the pieces for idx, piece in enumerate(self.status.pieces): if idx in pieces: # Piece beeing downloaded, handled above continue elif piece: # Completed Piece pieces[idx] = 3 continue elif availability[idx] > 0: # Piece not downloaded nor beeing downloaded but available pieces[idx] = 1 continue # If we reached here, it means the piece is missing, ie, there's # no known peer with this piece, or this piece has not been asked # for so far. pieces[idx] = 0 sorted_indexes = pieces.keys() sorted_indexes.sort() # Return only the piece states, no need for the piece index # Keep the order return [pieces[idx] for idx in sorted_indexes]