# # rpcserver.py # # Copyright (C) 2008,2009 Andrew Resch # # Deluge is free software. # # You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the # GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # deluge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with deluge. If not, write to: # The Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give # permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL # library. # You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of # the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this # exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), # but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete # this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception # statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here. # # """RPCServer Module""" import sys import zlib import os import stat import logging import traceback from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from OpenSSL import crypto, SSL from types import FunctionType try: import rencode except ImportError: import deluge.rencode as rencode import deluge.component as component import deluge.configmanager from deluge.core.authmanager import (AUTH_LEVEL_NONE, AUTH_LEVEL_DEFAULT, AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN) from deluge.error import (DelugeError, NotAuthorizedError, WrappedException, _ClientSideRecreateError, IncompatibleClient) from deluge.transfer import DelugeTransferProtocol RPC_RESPONSE = 1 RPC_ERROR = 2 RPC_EVENT = 3 log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def export(auth_level=AUTH_LEVEL_DEFAULT): """ Decorator function to register an object's method as an RPC. The object will need to be registered with an :class:`RPCServer` to be effective. :param func: the function to export :type func: function :param auth_level: the auth level required to call this method :type auth_level: int """ def wrap(func, *args, **kwargs): func._rpcserver_export = True func._rpcserver_auth_level = auth_level doc = func.__doc__ func.__doc__ = "**RPC Exported Function** (*Auth Level: %s*)\n\n" % auth_level if doc: func.__doc__ += doc return func if type(auth_level) is FunctionType: func = auth_level auth_level = AUTH_LEVEL_DEFAULT return wrap(func) else: return wrap def format_request(call): """ Format the RPCRequest message for debug printing :param call: the request :type call: a RPCRequest :returns: a formatted string for printing :rtype: str """ try: s = call[1] + "(" if call[2]: s += ", ".join([str(x) for x in call[2]]) if call[3]: if call[2]: s += ", " s += ", ".join([key + "=" + str(value) for key, value in call[3].items()]) s += ")" except UnicodeEncodeError: return "UnicodeEncodeError, call: %s" % call else: return s class ServerContextFactory(object): def getContext(self): """ Create an SSL context. This loads the servers cert/private key SSL files for use with the SSL transport. """ ssl_dir = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir("ssl") ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv3_METHOD) ctx.use_certificate_file(os.path.join(ssl_dir, "daemon.cert")) ctx.use_privatekey_file(os.path.join(ssl_dir, "daemon.pkey")) return ctx class DelugeRPCProtocol(DelugeTransferProtocol): def message_received(self, request): """ This method is called whenever a message is received from a client. The only message that a client sends to the server is a RPC Request message. If the RPC Request message is valid, then the method is called in :meth:`dispatch`. :param request: the request from the client. :type data: tuple """ if type(request) is not tuple: log.debug("Received invalid message: type is not tuple") return if len(request) < 1: log.debug("Received invalid message: there are no items") return for call in request: if len(call) != 4: log.debug("Received invalid rpc request: number of items " "in request is %s", len(call)) continue #log.debug("RPCRequest: %s", format_request(call)) reactor.callLater(0, self.dispatch, *call) def sendData(self, data): """ Sends the data to the client. :param data: the object that is to be sent to the client. This should be one of the RPC message types. :type data: object """ self.transfer_message(data) def connectionMade(self): """ This method is called when a new client connects. """ peer = self.transport.getPeer() log.info("Deluge Client connection made from: %s:%s", peer.host, peer.port) # Set the initial auth level of this session to AUTH_LEVEL_NONE self.factory.authorized_sessions[self.transport.sessionno] = AUTH_LEVEL_NONE def connectionLost(self, reason): """ This method is called when the client is disconnected. :param reason: the reason the client disconnected. :type reason: str """ # We need to remove this session from various dicts del self.factory.authorized_sessions[self.transport.sessionno] if self.transport.sessionno in self.factory.session_protocols: del self.factory.session_protocols[self.transport.sessionno] if self.transport.sessionno in self.factory.interested_events: del self.factory.interested_events[self.transport.sessionno] log.info("Deluge client disconnected: %s", reason.value) def valid_session(self): return self.transport.sessionno in self.factory.authorized_sessions def dispatch(self, request_id, method, args, kwargs): """ This method is run when a RPC Request is made. It will run the local method and will send either a RPC Response or RPC Error back to the client. :param request_id: the request_id from the client (sent in the RPC Request) :type request_id: int :param method: the local method to call. It must be registered with the :class:`RPCServer`. :type method: str :param args: the arguments to pass to `method` :type args: list :param kwargs: the keyword-arguments to pass to `method` :type kwargs: dict """ def sendError(): """ Sends an error response with the contents of the exception that was raised. """ exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info() formated_tb = "".join(traceback.format_tb(exceptionTraceback)) try: self.sendData(( RPC_ERROR, request_id, exceptionType.__name__, exceptionValue._args, exceptionValue._kwargs, formated_tb )) except Exception, err: # This most likely not a deluge exception, let's wrap it log.error("An exception occurred while sending RPC_ERROR to " "client. Wrapping it and resending. Error to " "send(causing exception goes next):\n%s", formated_tb) log.exception(err) try: raise WrappedException(str(exceptionValue), exceptionType.__name__, formated_tb) except: sendError() if method == "daemon.info": # This is a special case and used in the initial connection process self.sendData((RPC_RESPONSE, request_id, deluge.common.get_version())) return elif method == "daemon.login": # This is a special case and used in the initial connection process # We need to authenticate the user here log.debug("RPC dispatch daemon.login") try: client_version = kwargs.pop('client_version', None) if client_version is None: raise IncompatibleClient(deluge.common.get_version()) ret = component.get("AuthManager").authorize(*args, **kwargs) if ret: self.factory.authorized_sessions[self.transport.sessionno] = (ret, args[0]) self.factory.session_protocols[self.transport.sessionno] = self except Exception, e: sendError() if not isinstance(e, _ClientSideRecreateError): log.exception(e) else: self.sendData((RPC_RESPONSE, request_id, (ret))) if not ret: self.transport.loseConnection() finally: return elif method == "daemon.set_event_interest" and self.valid_session(): log.debug("RPC dispatch daemon.set_event_interest") # This special case is to allow clients to set which events they are # interested in receiving. # We are expecting a sequence from the client. try: if self.transport.sessionno not in self.factory.interested_events: self.factory.interested_events[self.transport.sessionno] = [] self.factory.interested_events[self.transport.sessionno].extend(args[0]) except Exception, e: sendError() else: self.sendData((RPC_RESPONSE, request_id, (True))) finally: return if method in self.factory.methods and self.valid_session(): log.debug("RPC dispatch %s", method) try: method_auth_requirement = self.factory.methods[method]._rpcserver_auth_level auth_level = self.factory.authorized_sessions[self.transport.sessionno][0] if auth_level < method_auth_requirement: # This session is not allowed to call this method log.debug("Session %s is trying to call a method it is not " "authorized to call!", self.transport.sessionno) raise NotAuthorizedError(auth_level, method_auth_requirement) # Set the session_id in the factory so that methods can know # which session is calling it. self.factory.session_id = self.transport.sessionno ret = self.factory.methods[method](*args, **kwargs) except Exception, e: sendError() # Don't bother printing out DelugeErrors, because they are just # for the client if not isinstance(e, DelugeError): log.exception("Exception calling RPC request: %s", e) else: # Check if the return value is a deferred, since we'll need to # wait for it to fire before sending the RPC_RESPONSE if isinstance(ret, defer.Deferred): def on_success(result): self.sendData((RPC_RESPONSE, request_id, result)) return result def on_fail(failure): try: failure.raiseException() except Exception, e: sendError() return failure ret.addCallbacks(on_success, on_fail) else: self.sendData((RPC_RESPONSE, request_id, ret)) class RPCServer(component.Component): """ This class is used to handle rpc requests from the client. Objects are registered with this class and their methods are exported using the export decorator. :param port: the port the RPCServer will listen on :type port: int :param interface: the interface to listen on, this may override the `allow_remote` setting :type interface: str :param allow_remote: set True if the server should allow remote connections :type allow_remote: bool :param listen: if False, will not start listening.. This is only useful in Classic Mode :type listen: bool """ def __init__(self, port=58846, interface="", allow_remote=False, listen=True): component.Component.__init__(self, "RPCServer") self.factory = Factory() self.factory.protocol = DelugeRPCProtocol self.factory.session_id = -1 # Holds the registered methods self.factory.methods = {} # Holds the session_ids and auth levels self.factory.authorized_sessions = {} # Holds the protocol objects with the session_id as key self.factory.session_protocols = {} # Holds the interested event list for the sessions self.factory.interested_events = {} self.listen = listen if not listen: return if allow_remote: hostname = "" else: hostname = "localhost" if interface: hostname = interface log.info("Starting DelugeRPC server %s:%s", hostname, port) # Check for SSL keys and generate some if needed check_ssl_keys() try: reactor.listenSSL(port, self.factory, ServerContextFactory(), interface=hostname) except Exception, e: log.info("Daemon already running or port not available..") log.error(e) sys.exit(0) def register_object(self, obj, name=None): """ Registers an object to export it's rpc methods. These methods should be exported with the export decorator prior to registering the object. :param obj: the object that we want to export :type obj: object :param name: the name to use, if None, it will be the class name of the object :type name: str """ if not name: name = obj.__class__.__name__.lower() for d in dir(obj): if d[0] == "_": continue if getattr(getattr(obj, d), '_rpcserver_export', False): log.debug("Registering method: %s", name + "." + d) self.factory.methods[name + "." + d] = getattr(obj, d) def deregister_object(self, obj): """ Deregisters an objects exported rpc methods. :param obj: the object that was previously registered """ for key, value in self.factory.methods.items(): if value.im_self == obj: del self.factory.methods[key] def get_object_method(self, name): """ Returns a registered method. :param name: the name of the method, usually in the form of 'object.method' :type name: str :returns: method :raises KeyError: if `name` is not registered """ return self.factory.methods[name] def get_method_list(self): """ Returns a list of the exported methods. :returns: the exported methods :rtype: list """ return self.factory.methods.keys() def get_session_id(self): """ Returns the session id of the current RPC. :returns: the session id, this will be -1 if no connections have been made :rtype: int """ return self.factory.session_id def get_session_user(self): """ Returns the username calling the current RPC. :returns: the username of the user calling the current RPC :rtype: string """ if not self.listen: return "localclient" session_id = self.get_session_id() if session_id > -1 and session_id in self.factory.authorized_sessions: return self.factory.authorized_sessions[session_id][1] else: # No connections made yet return "" def get_session_auth_level(self): """ Returns the auth level of the user calling the current RPC. :returns: the auth level :rtype: int """ if not self.listen or not self.is_session_valid(self.get_session_id()): return AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN return self.factory.authorized_sessions[self.get_session_id()][0] def get_rpc_auth_level(self, rpc): """ Returns the auth level requirement for an exported rpc. :returns: the auth level :rtype: int """ self.factory.methods[rpc]._rpcserver_auth_level def is_session_valid(self, session_id): """ Checks if the session is still valid, eg, if the client is still connected. :param session_id: the session id :type session_id: int :returns: True if the session is valid :rtype: bool """ return session_id in self.factory.authorized_sessions def emit_event(self, event): """ Emits the event to interested clients. :param event: the event to emit :type event: :class:`deluge.event.DelugeEvent` """ log.debug("intevents: %s", self.factory.interested_events) # Find sessions interested in this event for session_id, interest in self.factory.interested_events.iteritems(): if event.name in interest: log.debug("Emit Event: %s %s", event.name, event.args) # This session is interested so send a RPC_EVENT self.factory.session_protocols[session_id].sendData( (RPC_EVENT, event.name, event.args) ) def emit_event_for_session_id(self, session_id, event): """ Emits the event to specified session_id. :param session_id: the event to emit :type session_id: int :param event: the event to emit :type event: :class:`deluge.event.DelugeEvent` """ if not self.is_session_valid(session_id): log.debug("Session ID %s is not valid. Not sending event \"%s\".", session_id, event.name) return if session_id not in self.factory.interested_events: log.debug("Session ID %s is not interested in any events. Not sending event \"%s\".", session_id, event.name) return if event.name not in self.factory.interested_events[session_id]: log.debug("Session ID %s is not interested in event \"%s\". Not sending it.", session_id, event.name) return log.debug("Sending event \"%s\" with args \"%s\" to session id \"%s\".", event.name, event.args, session_id) self.factory.session_protocols[session_id].sendData((RPC_EVENT, event.name, event.args)) def check_ssl_keys(): """ Check for SSL cert/key and create them if necessary """ ssl_dir = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir("ssl") if not os.path.exists(ssl_dir): # The ssl folder doesn't exist so we need to create it os.makedirs(ssl_dir) generate_ssl_keys() else: for f in ("daemon.pkey", "daemon.cert"): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ssl_dir, f)): generate_ssl_keys() break def generate_ssl_keys(): """ This method generates a new SSL key/cert. """ digest = "md5" # Generate key pair pkey = crypto.PKey() pkey.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 1024) # Generate cert request req = crypto.X509Req() subj = req.get_subject() setattr(subj, "CN", "Deluge Daemon") req.set_pubkey(pkey) req.sign(pkey, digest) # Generate certificate cert = crypto.X509() cert.set_serial_number(0) cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0) cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(60*60*24*365*5) # Five Years cert.set_issuer(req.get_subject()) cert.set_subject(req.get_subject()) cert.set_pubkey(req.get_pubkey()) cert.sign(pkey, digest) # Write out files ssl_dir = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir("ssl") open(os.path.join(ssl_dir, "daemon.pkey"), "w").write( crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pkey) ) open(os.path.join(ssl_dir, "daemon.cert"), "w").write( crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert) ) # Make the files only readable by this user for f in ("daemon.pkey", "daemon.cert"): os.chmod(os.path.join(ssl_dir, f), stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)