# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Resch # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # """ Deluge Config Module This module is used for loading and saving of configuration files.. or anything really. The format of the config file is two json encoded dicts: The version dict contains two keys: file and format. The format version is controlled by the Config class. It should only be changed when anything below it is changed directly by the Config class. An example of this would be if we changed the serializer for the content to something different. The config file version is changed by the 'owner' of the config file. This is to signify that there is a change in the naming of some config keys or something similar along those lines. The content is simply the dict to be saved and will be serialized before being written. Converting Since the format of the config could change, there needs to be a way to have the Config object convert to newer formats. To do this, you will need to register conversion functions for various versions of the config file. Note that this can only be done for the 'config file version' and not for the 'format' version as this will be done internally. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import logging import os import shutil from codecs import getwriter from io import open from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import six.moves.cPickle as pickle # noqa: N813 from deluge.common import JSON_FORMAT, get_default_config_dir log = logging.getLogger(__name__) callLater = None # noqa: N816 Necessary for the config tests def prop(func): """Function decorator for defining property attributes The decorated function is expected to return a dictionary containing one or more of the following pairs: fget - function for getting attribute value fset - function for setting attribute value fdel - function for deleting attribute This can be conveniently constructed by the locals() builtin function; see: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/205183 """ return property(doc=func.__doc__, **func()) def find_json_objects(text, decoder=json.JSONDecoder()): """Find json objects in text. Args: text (str): The text to find json objects within. Returns: list: A list of tuples containing start and end locations of json objects in the text. e.g. [(start, end), ...] """ objects = [] offset = 0 while True: try: start = text.index('{', offset) except ValueError: break try: __, index = decoder.raw_decode(text[start:]) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: offset = start + 1 else: offset = start + index objects.append((start, offset)) return objects class Config(object): """This class is used to access/create/modify config files. Args: filename (str): The config filename. defaults (dict): The default config values to insert before loading the config file. config_dir (str): the path to the config directory. file_version (int): The file format for the default config values when creating a fresh config. This value should be increased whenever a new migration function is setup to convert old config files. (default: 1) """ def __init__(self, filename, defaults=None, config_dir=None, file_version=1): self.__config = {} self.__set_functions = {} self.__change_callbacks = [] # These hold the version numbers and they will be set when loaded self.__version = {'format': 1, 'file': file_version} # This will get set with a reactor.callLater whenever a config option # is set. self._save_timer = None if defaults: for key, value in defaults.items(): self.set_item(key, value) # Load the config from file in the config_dir if config_dir: self.__config_file = os.path.join(config_dir, filename) else: self.__config_file = get_default_config_dir(filename) self.load() def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.__config def __setitem__(self, key, value): """See set_item""" return self.set_item(key, value) def set_item(self, key, value): """Sets item 'key' to 'value' in the config dictionary. Does not allow changing the item's type unless it is None. If the types do not match, it will attempt to convert it to the set type before raising a ValueError. Args: key (str): Item to change to change. value (any): The value to change item to, must be same type as what is currently in the config. Raises: ValueError: Raised when the type of value is not the same as what is currently in the config and it could not convert the value. Examples: >>> config = Config('test.conf') >>> config['test'] = 5 >>> config['test'] 5 """ if key not in self.__config: self.__config[key] = value log.debug('Setting key "%s" to: %s (of type: %s)', key, value, type(value)) return if self.__config[key] == value: return # Change the value type if it is not None and does not match. type_match = isinstance(self.__config[key], (type(None), type(value))) if value is not None and not type_match: try: oldtype = type(self.__config[key]) # Don't convert to bytes as requires encoding and value will # be decoded anyway. if oldtype is not bytes: value = oldtype(value) except ValueError: log.warning('Value Type "%s" invalid for key: %s', type(value), key) raise if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode('utf8') log.debug('Setting key "%s" to: %s (of type: %s)', key, value, type(value)) self.__config[key] = value global callLater if callLater is None: # Must import here and not at the top or it will throw ReactorAlreadyInstalledError from twisted.internet.reactor import ( # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name callLater, ) # Run the set_function for this key if any try: for func in self.__set_functions[key]: callLater(0, func, key, value) except KeyError: pass try: def do_change_callbacks(key, value): for func in self.__change_callbacks: func(key, value) callLater(0, do_change_callbacks, key, value) except Exception: pass # We set the save_timer for 5 seconds if not already set if not self._save_timer or not self._save_timer.active(): self._save_timer = callLater(5, self.save) def __getitem__(self, key): """See get_item """ return self.get_item(key) def get_item(self, key): """Gets the value of item 'key'. Args: key (str): The item for which you want it's value. Returns: any: The value of item 'key'. Raises: ValueError: If 'key' is not in the config dictionary. Examples: >>> config = Config('test.conf', defaults={'test': 5}) >>> config['test'] 5 """ return self.__config[key] def get(self, key, default=None): """Gets the value of item 'key' if key is in the config, else default. If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method never raises a KeyError. Args: key (str): the item for which you want it's value default (any): the default value if key is missing Returns: any: The value of item 'key' or default. Examples: >>> config = Config('test.conf', defaults={'test': 5}) >>> config.get('test', 10) 5 >>> config.get('bad_key', 10) 10 """ try: return self.get_item(key) except KeyError: return default def __delitem__(self, key): """ See :meth:`del_item` """ self.del_item(key) def del_item(self, key): """Deletes item with a specific key from the configuration. Args: key (str): The item which you wish to delete. Raises: ValueError: If 'key' is not in the config dictionary. Examples: >>> config = Config('test.conf', defaults={'test': 5}) >>> del config['test'] """ del self.__config[key] global callLater if callLater is None: # Must import here and not at the top or it will throw ReactorAlreadyInstalledError from twisted.internet.reactor import ( # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name callLater, ) # We set the save_timer for 5 seconds if not already set if not self._save_timer or not self._save_timer.active(): self._save_timer = callLater(5, self.save) def register_change_callback(self, callback): """Registers a callback function for any changed value. Will be called when any value is changed in the config dictionary. Args: callback (func): The function to call with parameters: f(key, value). Examples: >>> config = Config('test.conf', defaults={'test': 5}) >>> def cb(key, value): ... print key, value ... >>> config.register_change_callback(cb) """ self.__change_callbacks.append(callback) def register_set_function(self, key, function, apply_now=True): """Register a function to be called when a config value changes. Args: key (str): The item to monitor for change. function (func): The function to call when the value changes, f(key, value). apply_now (bool): If True, the function will be called immediately after it's registered. Examples: >>> config = Config('test.conf', defaults={'test': 5}) >>> def cb(key, value): ... print key, value ... >>> config.register_set_function('test', cb, apply_now=True) test 5 """ log.debug('Registering function for %s key..', key) if key not in self.__set_functions: self.__set_functions[key] = [] self.__set_functions[key].append(function) # Run the function now if apply_now is set if apply_now: function(key, self.__config[key]) return def apply_all(self): """Calls all set functions. Examples: >>> config = Config('test.conf', defaults={'test': 5}) >>> def cb(key, value): ... print key, value ... >>> config.register_set_function('test', cb, apply_now=False) >>> config.apply_all() test 5 """ log.debug('Calling all set functions..') for key, value in self.__set_functions.items(): for func in value: func(key, self.__config[key]) def apply_set_functions(self, key): """Calls set functions for `:param:key`. Args: key (str): the config key """ log.debug('Calling set functions for key %s..', key) if key in self.__set_functions: for func in self.__set_functions[key]: func(key, self.__config[key]) def load(self, filename=None): """Load a config file. Args: filename (str): If None, uses filename set in object initialization """ if not filename: filename = self.__config_file try: with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as _file: data = _file.read() except IOError as ex: log.warning('Unable to open config file %s: %s', filename, ex) return objects = find_json_objects(data) if not len(objects): # No json objects found, try depickling it try: self.__config.update(pickle.loads(data)) except Exception as ex: log.exception(ex) log.warning('Unable to load config file: %s', filename) elif len(objects) == 1: start, end = objects[0] try: self.__config.update(json.loads(data[start:end])) except Exception as ex: log.exception(ex) log.warning('Unable to load config file: %s', filename) elif len(objects) == 2: try: start, end = objects[0] self.__version.update(json.loads(data[start:end])) start, end = objects[1] self.__config.update(json.loads(data[start:end])) except Exception as ex: log.exception(ex) log.warning('Unable to load config file: %s', filename) log.debug( 'Config %s version: %s.%s loaded: %s', filename, self.__version['format'], self.__version['file'], self.__config, ) def save(self, filename=None): """Save configuration to disk. Args: filename (str): If None, uses filename set in object initialization Returns: bool: Whether or not the save succeeded. """ if not filename: filename = self.__config_file # Check to see if the current config differs from the one on disk # We will only write a new config file if there is a difference try: with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as _file: data = _file.read() objects = find_json_objects(data) start, end = objects[0] version = json.loads(data[start:end]) start, end = objects[1] loaded_data = json.loads(data[start:end]) if self.__config == loaded_data and self.__version == version: # The config has not changed so lets just return if self._save_timer and self._save_timer.active(): self._save_timer.cancel() return True except (IOError, IndexError) as ex: log.warning('Unable to open config file: %s because: %s', filename, ex) # Save the new config and make sure it's written to disk try: with NamedTemporaryFile( prefix=os.path.basename(filename) + '.', delete=False ) as _file: filename_tmp = _file.name log.debug('Saving new config file %s', filename_tmp) json.dump(self.__version, getwriter('utf8')(_file), **JSON_FORMAT) json.dump(self.__config, getwriter('utf8')(_file), **JSON_FORMAT) _file.flush() os.fsync(_file.fileno()) except IOError as ex: log.error('Error writing new config file: %s', ex) return False # Resolve symlinked config files before backing up and saving. filename = os.path.realpath(filename) # Make a backup of the old config try: log.debug('Backing up old config file to %s.bak', filename) shutil.move(filename, filename + '.bak') except IOError as ex: log.warning('Unable to backup old config: %s', ex) # The new config file has been written successfully, so let's move it over # the existing one. try: log.debug('Moving new config file %s to %s', filename_tmp, filename) shutil.move(filename_tmp, filename) except IOError as ex: log.error('Error moving new config file: %s', ex) return False else: return True finally: if self._save_timer and self._save_timer.active(): self._save_timer.cancel() def run_converter(self, input_range, output_version, func): """Runs a function that will convert file versions. Args: input_range (tuple): (int, int) The range of input versions this function will accept. output_version (int): The version this function will convert to. func (func): The function that will do the conversion, it will take the config dict as an argument and return the augmented dict. Raises: ValueError: If output_version is less than the input_range. """ if output_version in input_range or output_version <= max(input_range): raise ValueError('output_version needs to be greater than input_range') if self.__version['file'] not in input_range: log.debug( 'File version %s is not in input_range %s, ignoring converter function..', self.__version['file'], input_range, ) return try: self.__config = func(self.__config) except Exception as ex: log.exception(ex) log.error( 'There was an exception try to convert config file %s %s to %s', self.__config_file, self.__version['file'], output_version, ) raise ex else: self.__version['file'] = output_version self.save() @property def config_file(self): return self.__config_file @prop def config(): # pylint: disable=no-method-argument """The config dictionary""" def fget(self): return self.__config def fdel(self): return self.save() return locals()