path: root/src
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* tweak full hd warning - disable it in libtorrentMarcos Pinto2007-12-01
* tag fix releaseMarcos Pinto2007-12-01
* fix duplicant_torrent and libtorrent bugfixesMarcos Pinto2007-12-01
* up trunk version number post releaseMarcos Pinto2007-11-27
* try to catch invalid_handle in add_torrentMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* tweak replace_tracker in core.pyMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* tweak try/catch againMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* tweak boost library variablesMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* tweak get_index_from_unique_idMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* fix typoMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* make sure simplerss does not loadMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* fix indentMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* add catch to get_index_from_unique_idMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* tweak lastMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* catch invalid_handle on add_torrentMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* another attempt for invalid handleMarcos Pinto2007-11-26
* try to catch invalid handle in deluge_coreMarcos Pinto2007-11-25
* Apply logfile patch for Windows build from Slurdge.Andrew Resch2007-11-25
* cleanup trackers replaceMarcos Pinto2007-11-25
* dont die if plugin in prefs.state is not found on the filesystemMarcos Pinto2007-11-24
* skip taskbar fix for winMarcos Pinto2007-11-24
* up version number for rc releaseMarcos Pinto2007-11-24
* update webui, show error on permission failure, differentiate queued vs pausedMarcos Pinto2007-11-24
* tweak full hd dialog when adding a new torrentMarcos Pinto2007-11-24
* tweak full hd dialogMarcos Pinto2007-11-24
* add connection_speed settingMarcos Pinto2007-11-24
* set max_half_open default to 20 if not on a windows systemMarcos Pinto2007-11-24
* fix merge trackersMarcos Pinto2007-11-24
* default not to use upnpMarcos Pinto2007-11-22
* remove dumb tb_middle and tb_rightMarcos Pinto2007-11-22
* plugin name translationsMarcos Pinto2007-11-22
* tweak local settingMarcos Pinto2007-11-21
* re-add features that our isp lost in the backupMarcos Pinto2007-11-21
* fast resume fixMarcos Pinto2007-11-20
* fix blocklist load on startMarcos Pinto2007-11-20
* pause torrent before fastresume save if in compact modeMarcos Pinto2007-11-20
* fix wizard apply_prefs messMarcos Pinto2007-11-19
* fix typoMarcos Pinto2007-11-19
* fix etaMarcos Pinto2007-11-19
* tweak pause/resume allMarcos Pinto2007-11-19
* sameMarcos Pinto2007-11-18
* tweak set_user_pauseMarcos Pinto2007-11-18
* fix oops in lastMarcos Pinto2007-11-18
* fix pause all / resume all problemsMarcos Pinto2007-11-18
* add proper preferences for selection popupMarcos Pinto2007-11-18
* only popup file selection if torrent has more than 1 fileMarcos Pinto2007-11-18
* remove remapMarcos Pinto2007-11-18
* remove lsd...damnitMarcos Pinto2007-11-18
* reanable lsd with custom fix to ltMarcos Pinto2007-11-18
* force recheck fixMarcos Pinto2007-11-18