path: root/setup.cfg
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* [Docs] Add spellchecking with pyenchantCalum Lind2019-06-15
| | | | | | | | | - Use sphinxcontrib.spelling with custom wordlist. - Skip the checking of the modules documents as they raise false-positives. - Add a spellcheck_docs command. - Fix spelling and other issues. - Add a doc favicon.
* [Packaging] Create tar.gz with sdist for PyPiCalum Lind2019-06-07
| | | | PyPi does not accept `tar.xz` source tarballs!
* [packaging] sdist use xztar and exclude .mo filesCalum Lind2019-05-24
* [Packaging] Cleanup README for PypiCalum Lind2019-05-22
| | | | | | - Set a minimal Python version 3.5 and remove universal wheels. - Tidy up the README - Add Project URL for issues and docs.
* [#3244|Web] Add support for accept-encoding headerCalum Lind2019-05-09
| | | | | | * Use EncodingResourceWrapper to replace compress function so that the proper checks for accept-encoding header are made. * Ensure only text is compressed and images are left uncompressed.
* [Lint] Update pre-commit linter versionsCalum Lind2019-05-03
| | | | | - Default to python3. - Needed to add six to isort config.
* [Packaging] Fix deps for win32Calum Lind2018-11-12
| | | | | - Fixed trying to install py2-ipaddress breaking on Python3. - Add wheel universal option so Py2 and Py3 wheel built.
* [Dependency] Remove bundled rencodeCalum Lind2018-11-02
* Cleanup tox configurationCalum Lind2018-11-02
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | There were issues with dependencies and tox environments under Python 3 so refactored the tox configuration to be more consistent and clearer. - Moved travis to default to Python 3 for linting and tests. - Fixed missing mock for cairo in sphinx config. - Collated the base deps sections to improve readability. - Added PYTEST_ADDOPTS env to override pytest verbosity in just tox tests as this was a common option being used. - Renamed env 'testcoverage' to the more concise 'coverage' and moved html creation under single env as handy to have this output as well as report. - Cleaned up the isort config for gtk3. - Added `bad-continuation` to pylint config as conflcts with black formatting. - Fix isort issue with bbfreeze script. This will likely be removed in future so just skip sorting it.
* [GTK3] Change module structure from ui/gtkui to ui/gtk3Calum Lind2018-11-02
| | | | | This moves the directory structure so that there is no conflict with the old gtk2 UI. Also changes the conf and state files being loaded.
* [Docs] Reorganise and add sections from wikiCalum Lind2018-11-01
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Change the layout and contents of docs to be better organised and follow ideas from: - Use markdown for non-technical documents to speed up writing. - Added new sections and imported documents from Trac wiki. Build fixes: - Added a patch to fix recommonmark 0.4 and doc referencing: - Set docs build in tox to Py2.7 since there are problems with autodoc mocking multiple inheritance on Python 3 resulting in metaclass errors. - Supressed warning about `modules.rst` not in the toctree by creating a static `modules.rst` with `:orphan:` file directive and add to git. Also skip creating this toc file with sphinx-apidoc in setup and tox. - Simplified finding exported RPC and JSON API methods by adding an autodoc custom class directive. Removed unneeded
* [Lint] Add pre-commit configCalum Lind2018-10-05
| | | | | | | | | | | - Added a pre-commit config for code linting and formatting. It will auto-format python, javascript, CSS, YAML and markdown files to save manually doing so. To install: pip install pre-commit pre-commit install - Added a default virtual environment directory to gitignore.
* [Docs] Add markdown supportCalum Lind2018-10-04
| | | | | | | | | - Use recommonmark to enable use of markdown files in docs. - Fix theme not specified - Remove unused spelling module. - Cleanup mocking modules in conf so building docs requires only Sphinx. - Simplify tox section, including use of requirements-docs file. Added slimit dependency for sdist-ing deluge package.
* [Lint] Use Black to auto-format codeCalum Lind2018-10-03
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The move to using auto-formatter makes it easier to read, submit and speeds up development time. Although I would prefer 79 chars, the default line length of 88 chars used by black suffices. The flake8 line length remains at 120 chars since black does not touch comments or docstrings and this will require another round of fixes. The only black setting that is not standard is the use of double-quotes for strings so disabled any formatting of these. Note however that flake8 will still flag usage of double-quotes. I may change my mind on double vs single quotes but for now leave them. A new pyproject.toml file has been created for black configuration.
* Fix the docs run failing on TravisCalum Lind2018-07-28
| | | | | | | | | | Likely that the deprecation warning from cryptography is causing the sphinx build command to return an error so the tox/travis job is marked as failing. Changing to calling the sphinx-build command directly solves this. Also updated the sphinx config for built-in napoleon and faster builds using jobs option.
* [Packaging] Fix py2app buildCalum Lind2017-06-27
* [OSX] Default to 64-bit buildsCalum Lind2017-06-07
* [Python3] Fixes to make code backward compatibleCalum Lind2017-06-05
| | | | | | | | | | * Continuation of updating code to Python 3 with Python 2 fallback. * Using allows files to be encoded and decoded automatically on write and read. This maintains the python boundaries of unicode in code and bytes for output/files so less explicit encoding or decoding. * io.StringIO is the replacement for StringIO and will only accept unicode strings. * io.BytesIO is used where bytes output is required by the enclosing method. * Update bencode for full compatibility.
* [Py2to3] Large set of changes for Python 3 compatCalum Lind2017-03-16
| | | | | | | | | | | | - Preparation work for using six or future module for Py2/3 compat. The code will be written in Python 3 with Python 2 fallbacks. - Added some Py3 imports with Py2 fallbacks to make it easier to remove Py2 code in future. - Replace xrange with range (sort out import as top of files in future). - Workaround Py2to3 basestring issue with inline if in instances. This means every usage of basestring is more considered. - Replace iteritems and itervalues for items and values. There might be a performance penalty on Py2 so might need to revisit this change.
* [Tests] Replace isort test with flake8-isortCalum Lind2016-11-25
| | | | * Move the known_third_party back to setup.cfg with comments.
* [Tests] Fix for isort config package handlingbendikro2016-11-01
| | | | * Force gtk modules to be third_party for tox/travis testing.
* [Lint] Use a shorter line length for isortCalum Lind2016-05-18
* [Tests] [Web] Make JSON independent of Web componentbendikro2016-04-10
| | | | | * Implement JSONTestCase in * Implement WebAPITestCase test case in
* Fix config for isort 4.2Calum Lind2015-10-21
* [Tests] Fix code for isort 4.0.0bendikro2015-08-14
* [Tests] Various fixes for unit tests and toxbendikro2014-12-01
| | | | | | | | | | * Added custom trial reporter for TODO with test example in * Set Stats plugin tests as todo * Disable new_release_check when running unit tests * Added pytest.mark.slow to test_core.test_test_listen_port * Get rid of unit test warnings (Caused by bad names in test classes) * Removed warnings.filterwarnings in test files. * Added separate tox target for generating test coverage HTML report.
* Workaround for the isort Travis issue by using order-by-typeCalum Lind2014-09-26
| | | | See isort issue:
* Fix isort configCalum Lind2014-09-25
* Add isort thirdparty config for TravisCalum Lind2014-09-25
* Added .travis.yml (for travis-ci) and tox.ini filesbendikro2014-09-25
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Targets: * Runs the unit-tests for python 2.7 * Tests unit-test coverage * Try to build docs * Code style checks: * flake8 * isort Codes changes: * Fixed tests for httpdownloader (using tmp dir) * Implemented a couple of tests for Stats plugin but they fail to run on travis Issues: * Can't get py26 to work because of installing libtorrent through apt and the option system_site_packages fails for 2.6.
* Flake8 add global __request__ to configCalum Lind2014-09-22
* Flake8 pass of entire codebaseCalum Lind2014-09-19
| | | | * Use the inline '# NOQA' to supress N802 lower-case warnings
* Add workarounds for isortCalum Lind2014-09-19
| | | | | | * Add workaround for unicodedata issue * Change line length to 120 * Skip to stop it moving local imports above the install reactor line
* Flake8 core and common filesCalum Lind2014-09-03
| | | | | | * Added N802 to flake8 ignore as certain inherited funcs cannot be changed to lowercase and this unresolved warning hides other errors/warnings. * Include new header
* Add flake8 to setup.cfg and add missed change to #2303 fixCalum Lind2013-05-22
* Add get_version script to automate release versions (PEP386 naming)deluge-2.0.0.dev0Calum Lind2013-05-01
* Update osx build and packaging scriptsCalum Lind2013-03-17
* Add OSX packaging and GTK supportCalum Lind2013-02-14
* Add a 'build_docs' command to build the documentationAndrew Resch2009-07-22
* setup the build_spinx commandDamien Churchill2009-07-20
* use the setup.cfg file to tag the build as -devDamien Churchill2009-04-06