path: root/deluge/ui/web/js/ext-extensions
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Update extensions to Ext JS 3.4.0Calum Lind2012-02-18
* web: update to extjs 3.4.0Damien Churchill2012-01-09
* update the build file to include the spinnerfieldfix fileDamien Churchill2010-11-01
* include a file that fixes the SpinnerField onBlur method (no idea why it is s...Damien Churchill2010-10-23
* more improvements to the shift selectDamien Churchill2010-07-01
* fix select 'upwards'Damien Churchill2010-07-01
* allow for shift selecting in tree gridsDamien Churchill2010-07-01
* update the build files for deluge-all and ext-extensionsDamien Churchill2010-05-08
* lazily set the value if the items aren't rendered yet and re-enable setting t...Damien Churchill2010-04-27
* change radiogroups so they can be used as a single form fieldDamien Churchill2010-04-27
* fix the change event on the spinner groupDamien Churchill2010-04-27
* fix the spinnergroup widthsDamien Churchill2010-04-27
* use deferredRender: true on the card layout to fix the spinnergroups andDamien Churchill2010-04-27
* add the updated override to FormLayout to allow for the field labels to be hi...Damien Churchill2010-04-19
* re-add the SpinnerGroup type and enable the Network preferences pageDamien Churchill2010-04-19
* only use the fix for webkit browsersDamien Churchill2010-04-19
* restructure the ext-extensions folder and fix some copyright headersDamien Churchill2010-04-19
* fix updating the columns if the node hasn't yet been renderedDamien Churchill2010-04-19
* add a method to TreeGridNodeUI that allows column values to be updatedDamien Churchill2010-04-19
* add a fix for triggerfields in the preferences pageDamien Churchill2010-03-29
* fix the toggle field and scrolling in the preferences windowDamien Churchill2010-03-28
* initial commit of the big javascript refactorDamien Churchill2010-03-28
* rename the TreeGridCustomColumn to TreeGridRenderColumn and add the column ob...Damien Churchill2010-01-26
* partially working files tab added back inDamien Churchill2010-01-24
* initial commit of the big js layout overhall (ui loads but there are parts mi...Damien Churchill2010-01-24