Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* tag Pinto2008-02-28
* Fix #39 .. this is a regression from [2793]Andrew Resch2008-02-26
* lt sync 2828Marcos Pinto2008-02-25
* Do not bother removing fastresume files on resume.Andrew Resch2008-02-25
* fix ui hang on keyerror with seed timeMarcos Pinto2008-02-23
* update changelog with #51 fixMarcos Pinto2008-02-22
* fix fastresume/up mem timers - fixes ticket #51Marcos Pinto2008-02-22
* update changelogMarcos Pinto2008-02-22
* lt sync 2020Marcos Pinto2008-02-22
* Scrape tracker if tracker doesn't report number of peers on reply.Andrew Resch2008-02-21
* Attempt fix fastresume saving issue.Andrew Resch2008-02-18
* Additional exposure for constants.Andrew Resch2008-02-17
* Expose torrent_paused and torrent_checked alerts.Andrew Resch2008-02-17
* Fix duplicate torrents on restart.Andrew Resch2008-02-16
* Fix duplicate torrent loading again..Andrew Resch2008-02-16
* Fix duplicate torrent handling.Andrew Resch2008-02-16
* fix web proxy checkbuttonMarcos Pinto2008-02-15
* fix ppc detectionMarcos Pinto2008-02-15
* only add rt on linuxMarcos Pinto2008-02-15
* version bumpMarcos Pinto2008-02-14
* add enabled plugins to send infoMarcos Pinto2008-02-13
* add seed time to changelogMarcos Pinto2008-02-13
* add time limits for seeding torrentsMarcos Pinto2008-02-13
* update changelogMarcos Pinto2008-02-12
* add 'switch torrent source' to movetorrent pluginMarcos Pinto2008-02-12
* fix deprecation warning with floatMarcos Pinto2008-02-12
* use gobject timer for saving mem and fastresumeMarcos Pinto2008-02-11
* add support for debian kfreebsdMarcos Pinto2008-02-11
* update changelogMarcos Pinto2008-02-11
* lt sync - fixes lockupMarcos Pinto2008-02-11
* fix keyboard interruptMarcos Pinto2008-02-11
* resync asioMarcos Pinto2008-02-10
* launchpad lang fixMarcos Pinto2008-02-10
* update changelogMarcos Pinto2008-02-10
* fix alignment of torrent infoMarcos Pinto2008-02-10
* Do not save fastresume files if torrent is being checked or is queued Andrew Resch2008-02-10
* fix save fast resumeMarcos Pinto2008-02-10
* dont resave fastresume for seedsMarcos Pinto2008-02-10
* Add debug prints for every function call. Define DELUGE_CORE_DEBUG to Andrew Resch2008-02-10
* Update upload_memory prior to saving state on shutdown.Andrew Resch2008-02-10
* fix dht assertsMarcos Pinto2008-02-10
* keyboard interrupt call shutdown, not core.quitMarcos Pinto2008-02-10
* improved support for out-of-memory conditions, fix pe-crypto error handling a...Marcos Pinto2008-02-09
* http_tracker connection fix and proxy support for udp-trackersMarcos Pinto2008-02-07
* update stats file due to our new ftp osuosl serverMarcos Pinto2008-02-07
* add ssl to changelogMarcos Pinto2008-02-04
* update changelogMarcos Pinto2008-02-03
* Fix desired ratio to default value when adding torrents.Andrew Resch2008-02-03
* Only draw the advanced progress bar if 'num_pieces' is greater than 0.Andrew Resch2008-02-01
* add logout;remove jsonMartijn Voncken2008-01-31