path: root/tests
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1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
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index 000000000..cd9a271d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Bro <>
+# Deluge is free software.
+# You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# deluge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with deluge. If not, write to:
+# The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
+# permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL
+# library.
+# You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of
+# the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
+# exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),
+# but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
+# this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception
+# statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here.
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from deluge.transfer import DelugeTransferProtocol
+import base64
+import deluge.rencode as rencode
+class TransferTestClass(DelugeTransferProtocol):
+ def __init__(self):
+ DelugeTransferProtocol.__init__(self)
+ self.transport = self
+ self.messages_out = []
+ self.messages_in = []
+ self.packet_count = 0
+ def write(self, message):
+ """
+ Called by DelugeTransferProtocol class
+ This simulates the write method of the self.transport in DelugeTransferProtocol.
+ """
+ self.messages_out.append(message)
+ def message_received(self, message):
+ """
+ This method overrides message_received is DelugeTransferProtocol and is
+ called with the complete message as it was sent by DelugeRPCProtocol
+ """
+ self.messages_in.append(message)
+ def get_messages_out_joined(self):
+ return b"".join(self.messages_out)
+ def get_messages_in(self):
+ return self.messages_in
+ def dataReceived_old_protocol(self, data):
+ """
+ This is the original method logic (as close as possible) for handling data receival on the client
+ :param data: a zlib compressed string encoded with rencode.
+ """
+ from datetime import timedelta
+ import zlib
+ print "\n=== New Data Received ===\nBytes received:", len(data)
+ if self._buffer:
+ # We have some data from the last dataReceived() so lets prepend it
+ print "Current buffer:", len(self._buffer) if self._buffer else "0"
+ data = self._buffer + data
+ self._buffer = None
+ self.packet_count += 1
+ self._bytes_received += len(data)
+ while data:
+ print "\n-- Handle packet data --"
+ print "Bytes received:", self._bytes_received
+ print "Current data:", len(data)
+ if self._message_length == 0:
+ # handle_new_message uses _buffer so set data to _buffer.
+ self._buffer = data
+ self._handle_new_message()
+ data = self._buffer
+ self._buffer = None
+ self.packet_count = 1
+ print "New message of length:", self._message_length
+ dobj = zlib.decompressobj()
+ try:
+ request = rencode.loads(dobj.decompress(data))
+ print "Successfully loaded message",
+ print " - Buffer length: %d, data length: %d, unused length: %d" % (len(data), \
+ len(data) - len(dobj.unused_data), len(dobj.unused_data))
+ print "Packet count:", self.packet_count
+ except Exception, e:
+ #log.debug("Received possible invalid message (%r): %s", data, e)
+ # This could be cut-off data, so we'll save this in the buffer
+ # and try to prepend it on the next dataReceived()
+ self._buffer = data
+ print "Failed to load buffer (size %d): %s" % (len(self._buffer), str(e))
+ return
+ else:
+ data = dobj.unused_data
+ self._message_length = 0
+ self.message_received(request)
+class DelugeTransferProtocolTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ """
+ The expected messages corresponds to the test messages (msg1, msg2) after they've been processed
+ by DelugeTransferProtocol.send, which means that they've first been encoded with pickle,
+ and then compressed with zlib.
+ The expected messages are encoded in base64 to easily including it here in the source.
+ So before comparing the results with the expected messages, the expected messages must be decoded,
+ or the result message be encoded in base64.
+ """
+ self.transfer = TransferTestClass()
+ self.msg1 = (0, 1, {"key_int": 1242429423}, {"key_str": "some string"}, {"key_bool": True})
+ self.msg2 = (2, 3, {"key_float": 12424.29423},
+ {"key_unicode": u"some string"},
+ {"key_dict_with_tuple": {"key_tuple": (1, 2, 3)}},
+ {"keylist": [4, "5", 6.7]})
+ self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64 = "RAAAADF4nDvKwJjenp1aGZ+ZV+Lgxfv9PYRXXFLU"\
+ "XZyfm6oAZGTmpad3gAST8vNznAEAJhSQ"
+ self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64 = "RAAAAF14nDvGxJzemZ1aGZ+Wk59Y4uTmpKib3g3i"\
+ "l+ZlJuenpHYX5+emKhSXFGXmpadPBkmkZCaXxJdn"\
+ "lmTEl5QW5KRCdIOZhxmBhrUDuTmZxSWHWRpNnRyu"\
+ "paUBAHYlJxI="
+ def test_send_one_message(self):
+ """
+ Send one message and test that it has been sent correctoly to the
+ method 'write' in self.transport.
+ """
+ self.transfer.transfer_message(self.msg1)
+ # Get the data as sent by DelugeTransferProtocol
+ messages = self.transfer.get_messages_out_joined()
+ base64_encoded = base64.b64encode(messages)
+ self.assertEquals(base64_encoded, self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64)
+ def test_receive_one_message(self):
+ """
+ Receive one message and test that it has been sent to the
+ method 'message_received'.
+ """
+ self.transfer.dataReceived(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64))
+ # Get the data as sent by DelugeTransferProtocol
+ messages = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(messages))
+ def test_receive_old_message(self):
+ """
+ Receive an old message (with no header) and verify that the data is discarded.
+ """
+ self.transfer.dataReceived(rencode.dumps(self.msg1))
+ self.assertEquals(len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()), 0)
+ self.assertEquals(self.transfer._message_length, 0)
+ self.assertEquals(len(self.transfer._buffer), 0)
+ def test_receive_two_concatenated_messages(self):
+ """
+ This test simply concatenates two messsages (as they're sent over the network),
+ and lets DelugeTransferProtocol receive the data as one string.
+ """
+ two_concatenated = base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64) + base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64)
+ self.transfer.dataReceived(two_concatenated)
+ # Get the data as sent by DelugeTransferProtocol
+ message1 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message1))
+ message2 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg2), rencode.dumps(message2))
+ def test_receive_three_messages_in_parts(self):
+ """
+ This test concatenates three messsages (as they're sent over the network),
+ and lets DelugeTransferProtocol receive the data in multiple parts.
+ """
+ msg_bytes = base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64) + \
+ base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64) + \
+ base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64)
+ packet_size = 40
+ one_message_byte_count = len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64))
+ two_messages_byte_count = one_message_byte_count + len(base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64))
+ three_messages_byte_count = two_messages_byte_count + len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64))
+ for d in self.receive_parts_helper(msg_bytes, packet_size):
+ bytes_received = self.transfer.get_bytes_recv()
+ if bytes_received >= three_messages_byte_count:
+ expected_msgs_received_count = 3
+ elif bytes_received >= two_messages_byte_count:
+ expected_msgs_received_count = 2
+ elif bytes_received >= one_message_byte_count:
+ expected_msgs_received_count = 1
+ else:
+ expected_msgs_received_count = 0
+ # Verify that the expected number of complete messages has arrived
+ self.assertEquals(expected_msgs_received_count, len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()))
+ # Get the data as received by DelugeTransferProtocol
+ message1 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message1))
+ message2 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg2), rencode.dumps(message2))
+ message3 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message3))
+ # Remove underscore to enable test, or run the test directly:
+ # tests $ trial test_transfer.DelugeTransferProtocolTestCase._test_rencode_fail_protocol
+ def _test_rencode_fail_protocol(self):
+ """
+ This test tries to test the protocol that relies on errors from rencode.
+ """
+ msg_bytes = base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64) + \
+ base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64) + \
+ base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64)
+ packet_size = 149
+ one_message_byte_count = len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64))
+ two_messages_byte_count = one_message_byte_count + len(base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64))
+ three_messages_byte_count = two_messages_byte_count + len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64))
+ print
+ print "Msg1 size:", len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64)) - 4
+ print "Msg2 size:", len(base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64)) - 4
+ print "Msg3 size:", len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64)) - 4
+ print "one_message_byte_count:", one_message_byte_count
+ print "two_messages_byte_count:", two_messages_byte_count
+ print "three_messages_byte_count:", three_messages_byte_count
+ for d in self.receive_parts_helper(msg_bytes, packet_size, self.transfer.dataReceived_old_protocol):
+ bytes_received = self.transfer.get_bytes_recv()
+ if bytes_received >= three_messages_byte_count:
+ expected_msgs_received_count = 3
+ elif bytes_received >= two_messages_byte_count:
+ expected_msgs_received_count = 2
+ elif bytes_received >= one_message_byte_count:
+ expected_msgs_received_count = 1
+ else:
+ expected_msgs_received_count = 0
+ # Verify that the expected number of complete messages has arrived
+ if expected_msgs_received_count != len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()):
+ print "Expected number of messages received is %d, but %d have been received."\
+ % (expected_msgs_received_count, len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()))
+ # Get the data as received by DelugeTransferProtocol
+ message1 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message1))
+ message2 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg2), rencode.dumps(message2))
+ message3 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message3))
+ def test_receive_middle_of_header(self):
+ """
+ This test concatenates two messsages (as they're sent over the network),
+ and lets DelugeTransferProtocol receive the data in two parts.
+ The first part contains the first message, plus two bytes of the next message.
+ The next part contains the rest of the message.
+ This is a special case, as DelugeTransferProtocol can't start parsing
+ a message until it has at least 4 bytes (the size of the header) to be able
+ to read and parse the size of the payload.
+ """
+ two_concatenated = base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64) + base64.b64decode(self.msg2_expected_compressed_base64)
+ first_len = len(base64.b64decode(self.msg1_expected_compressed_base64))
+ # Now found the entire first message, and half the header of the next message (2 bytes into the header)
+ self.transfer.dataReceived(two_concatenated[:first_len+2])
+ # Should be 1 message in the list
+ self.assertEquals(1, len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()))
+ # Send the rest
+ self.transfer.dataReceived(two_concatenated[first_len+2:])
+ # Should be 2 messages in the list
+ self.assertEquals(2, len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()))
+ # Get the data as sent by DelugeTransferProtocol
+ message1 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg1), rencode.dumps(message1))
+ message2 = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ self.assertEquals(rencode.dumps(self.msg2), rencode.dumps(message2))
+ # Needs file containing big data structure e.g. like thetorrent list as it is transfered by the daemon
+ #def test_simulate_big_transfer(self):
+ # filename = "../deluge.torrentlist"
+ #
+ # f = open(filename, "r")
+ # data =
+ # message_to_send = eval(data)
+ # self.transfer.transfer_message(message_to_send)
+ #
+ # # Get the data as sent to the network by DelugeTransferProtocol
+ # compressed_data = self.transfer.get_messages_out_joined()
+ # packet_size = 16000 # Or something smaller...
+ #
+ # for d in self.receive_parts_helper(compressed_data, packet_size):
+ # bytes_recv = self.transfer.get_bytes_recv()
+ # if bytes_recv < len(compressed_data):
+ # self.assertEquals(len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()), 0)
+ # else:
+ # self.assertEquals(len(self.transfer.get_messages_in()), 1)
+ # # Get the data as received by DelugeTransferProtocol
+ # transfered_message = self.transfer.get_messages_in().pop(0)
+ # # Test that the data structures are equal
+ # #self.assertEquals(transfered_message, message_to_send)
+ # #self.assertTrue(transfered_message == message_to_send)
+ #
+ # #f.close()
+ # #f = open("rencode.torrentlist", "w")
+ # #f.write(str(transfered_message))
+ # #f.close()
+ def receive_parts_helper(self, data, packet_size, receive_func=None):
+ byte_count = len(data)
+ sent_bytes = 0
+ while byte_count > 0:
+ to_receive = packet_size if byte_count > packet_size else byte_count
+ sent_bytes += to_receive
+ byte_count -= to_receive
+ if receive_func:
+ receive_func(data[:to_receive])
+ else:
+ self.transfer.dataReceived(data[:to_receive])
+ data = data[to_receive:]
+ yield