diff options
authorCalum Lind <>2018-10-25 15:02:53 +0100
committerCalum Lind <>2018-11-02 08:47:57 +0000
commit97e7d95dd3cf9e922db147d49f23c931ad692c31 (patch)
parent26c28445a5f89fe883aa6becae3e87d71ed3f589 (diff)
Cleanup tox configuration
There were issues with dependencies and tox environments under Python 3 so refactored the tox configuration to be more consistent and clearer. - Moved travis to default to Python 3 for linting and tests. - Fixed missing mock for cairo in sphinx config. - Collated the base deps sections to improve readability. - Added PYTEST_ADDOPTS env to override pytest verbosity in just tox tests as this was a common option being used. - Renamed env 'testcoverage' to the more concise 'coverage' and moved html creation under single env as handy to have this output as well as report. - Cleaned up the isort config for gtk3. - Added `bad-continuation` to pylint config as conflcts with black formatting. - Fix isort issue with bbfreeze script. This will likely be removed in future so just skip sorting it.
7 files changed, 93 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/.pylintrc b/.pylintrc
index fee37b3af..becbe3f28 100644
--- a/.pylintrc
+++ b/.pylintrc
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ confidence=
# Arranged by category and use symbolic names instead of ids.
# Convention
- missing-docstring, invalid-name,
+ missing-docstring, invalid-name, bad-continuation,
# Error
no-member, no-name-in-module,
# Information
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 30da3e24e..0b5f11450 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ sudo: required
language: python
- - 2.7
+ - 3.5
cache: pip
system_site_packages: true
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ matrix:
- name: Unit tests - Python 2
env: TOX_ENV=py27
+ python: 2.7
- name: Unit tests - Python 3
- python: 3.5
env: TOX_ENV=py3
- if: commit_message =~ SECURITY_TEST
env: TOX_ENV=security
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ matrix:
env: TOX_ENV=lint
- name: Docs build
env: TOX_ENV=docs
- - name: PyGTK unit tests
- env: TOX_ENV=pygtkui
+ python: 2.7
+ - name: GTK unit tests
+ env: TOX_ENV=gtkui
- name: Plugins unit tests
env: TOX_ENV=plugins
@@ -46,8 +47,9 @@ addons:
# Install dependencies
- pip install tox tox-venv
- - "if [ $TOX_ENV == 'pygtkui' ]; then
- sudo apt install python-gi python-gi-cairo gir1.2-gtk-3.0;
+ - "if [ $TOX_ENV == 'gtkui' ]; then
+ sudo apt install python-gi python-gi-cairo python3-gi python3-gi-cairo \
+ gir1.2-gtk-3.0;
- "if [ $TOX_ENV == 'security' ]; then
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ before_script:
- python -c "import libtorrent as lt; print(lt.__version__)"
# Start xvfb for the GTKUI tests
- - "if [ $TOX_ENV == 'pygtkui' ]; then
+ - "if [ $TOX_ENV == 'gtkui' ]; then
/sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background \
--make-pidfile --pidfile /tmp/ \
--exec /usr/bin/Xvfb -- :99 -ac -screen 0 1280x1024x16;
diff --git a/docs/source/ b/docs/source/
index 30a58504a..d5c61287e 100644
--- a/docs/source/
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ autodoc_mock_imports = [
+ 'cairo',
diff --git a/packaging/win32/ b/packaging/win32/
index 400bf640f..a58161882 100644
--- a/packaging/win32/
+++ b/packaging/win32/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
# See LICENSE for more details.
+# isort:skip_file
from __future__ import print_function
import glob
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import re
import shutil
import sys
import bbfreeze
import gtk
from win32verstamp import stamp
diff --git a/requirements-tests.txt b/requirements-tests.txt
index 841b68fa4..e499bf989 100644
--- a/requirements-tests.txt
+++ b/requirements-tests.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ pytest
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 4f15bcef5..4651662e3 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -19,10 +19,8 @@ frameworks = CoreFoundation, Foundation, AppKit
known_standard_library = future_builtins
known_third_party =
-# Ignore Windows specific modules.
- bbfreeze, win32verstamp,
# Ignore gtk modules, primarily for tox testing.
- pygtk, gtk, gobject, gtk.gdk, pango, cairo, pangocairo, gi
+ cairo, gi,
# Ignore other module dependencies for pre-commit isort.
twisted, OpenSSL, pytest, recommonmark, chardet, pkg_resources, zope, mock,
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 134cde2a6..cb24c5547 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -5,31 +5,60 @@
envlist = py27, py3, lint, docs
+# Hide logged warnings and errors in test output.
+log_cli_level = CRITICAL
+addopts = -p no:warnings --basetemp=_pytest_temp
+# =================
+# Base dependencies
+# =================
+# Minimum pip and setuptools versions to fix system and travis issues.
deps =
-# Minimum pip version and setuptools to fix issue running on travis.
- setuptools
+ setuptools>=40
+deps =
+ {[basesetup]deps}
+ -rrequirements.txt
+ -rrequirements-tests.txt
+deps =
+ {[basesetup]deps}
+ -rrequirements-tests.txt
+deps =
+ {[basesetup]deps}
+ -rrequirements-dev.txt
+ -rrequirements-tests.txt
+deps =
+ {[basesetup]deps}
+ -rrequirements-docs.txt
+# ======================
+# Test environment setup
+# ======================
-install_command = {envpython} -m pip install --ignore-installed {opts} {packages}
+install_command = python -m pip install --ignore-installed {opts} {packages}
-setenv = PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}
+setenv =
+ PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}
sitepackages = True
-deps =
- {[base]deps}
- -rrequirements-tests.txt
+deps = {[basetests]deps}
commands =
python -c "import libtorrent as lt; print(lt.__version__)"
- pytest -v -s -m "not (todo or gtkui or security)" deluge/tests
-# Hide logged warnings and errors in test output.
-log_cli_level = CRITICAL
-addopts = -p no:warnings --basetemp=_pytest_temp
+ pytest -m "not (todo or gtkui or security)" deluge/tests
# ==========
# Unit tests
@@ -37,13 +66,13 @@ addopts = -p no:warnings --basetemp=_pytest_temp
setenv = SECURITY_TESTS = True
-commands = pytest -v -s -m "security" deluge/tests/
+commands = pytest -m "security" deluge/tests
-commands = pytest -v -s -m "gtkui" deluge/tests
+commands = pytest -m "gtkui" deluge/tests
-commands = pytest -v -s -m "todo" deluge/tests
+commands = pytest -m "todo" deluge/tests
setenv = {[testenv]setenv}{:}{toxinidir}/deluge/tests
@@ -55,56 +84,44 @@ commands =
setenv = PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}{:}{toxinidir}/deluge/plugins
commands =
python build_plugins --develop --install-dir={toxinidir}/deluge/plugins/
- pytest -v -s -m "not gtkui" deluge/plugins
+ pytest -m "not gtkui" deluge/plugins
setenv = PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}{:}{toxinidir}/deluge/plugins
commands =
python build_plugins --develop --install-dir={toxinidir}/deluge/plugins/
- pytest -v -s deluge/plugins
+ pytest deluge/plugins
-# =======================
+# ============
# Code linting
-# =======================
+# ============
+# Disable site-packages to avoid using system installed commands.
+sitepackages = False
-deps =
- pre-commit
-commands =
- pre-commit run --all-files
+deps = {[baselint]deps}
+commands = pre-commit run --all-files
-# Disable site packages to avoid using system flake8 which uses
-# hardcoded python path which imports the wrong libraries.
sitepackages = False
-deps =
- {[testenv]deps}
- flake8
- flake8-quotes
- flake8-isort
- pep8-naming
+deps = {[baselint]deps}
commands =
flake8 --version
python -c 'import isort; print(isort.__version__)'
- flake8
+ flake8 *.py deluge
sitepackages = False
-deps =
- {[testenv:flake8]deps}
- mccabe
+deps = {[baselint]deps}
commands = flake8 --exit-zero --max-complexity 15 deluge
-# Disable site packages to avoid using system installed version
sitepackages = False
ignore_errors = True
-deps =
- {[testenv]deps}
- pylint
+deps = {[baselint]deps}
commands =
pylint --version
pylint deluge
@@ -112,63 +129,40 @@ commands =
python -m pylint *.py deluge/scripts/*.py
python -m pylint deluge/plugins/*/deluge/
+# ========
+# Coverage
+# ========
-# =============
-# Test coverage
-# =============
+commands = coverage run --branch --source=deluge -m pytest -m "not todo" deluge/tests
-deps =
- {[testenv]deps}
- pytest-cov
- coverage
-commands = coverage run --branch --source=deluge -m pytest -m "not todo" deluge/tests/
-setenv = {[testenv]setenv}
-deps = {[testcoveragebase]deps}
commands =
- {[testcoveragebase]commands}
- coverage report
-setenv = {[testenv]setenv}
-deps = {[testcoveragebase]deps}
-commands =
- {[testcoveragebase]commands}
+ {[coveragebase]commands}
coverage html -d docs/build/htmlcoverage
+ coverage report
# ===================
# Documentation build
# ===================
-# We do not have all dependencies on RTD and travis so we exclude the
-# site packages (sitepackages=False) when building docs so that local
-# tests have a similar environment.
-sitepackages = False
-changedir = docs
-deps =
- -rrequirements-docs.txt
basepython = python2.7
-sitepackages = {[docsbase]sitepackages}
+# Exclude site-packages so local builds have a similar environment to ReadTheDocs.
+sitepackages = False
skip_install = True
-deps = {[docsbase]deps}
+deps = {[basedocs]deps}
commands =
python clean_docs
sphinx-build -v -j auto -E -T -b html -d docs/build/doctrees docs/source docs/build/html
basepython = python2.7
-sitepackages = {[docsbase]sitepackages}
+sitepackages = False
skip_install = True
-changedir = {[docsbase]changedir}
+changedir = docs
deps =
- {[docsbase]deps}
+ {[basedocs]deps}
whitelist_externals = mkdir
commands =
@@ -176,24 +170,20 @@ commands =
sphinx-build -W -b coverage -d build/doctrees source build/doccoverage
pytest --doctest-glob='*.rst'
# ========================
# Development Environment
# ========================
-usedevelop = True
-deps = -rrequirements-dev.txt
basepython = python2.7
envdir = .venv2
-usedevelop = {[basedev]usedevelop}
+usedevelop = True
deps = {[basedev]deps}
commands =
basepython = python3
envdir = .venv3
-usedevelop = {[basedev]usedevelop}
+usedevelop = True
deps = {[basedev]deps}
commands =