diff options
authorAndrew Resch <>2009-04-20 22:01:52 +0000
committerAndrew Resch <>2009-04-20 22:01:52 +0000
commitd6eeb13fedfc5b4fca76d73e5887d0db717cc6ad (patch)
parentd3ad2e990023ff64e9352038527c07579957f9e9 (diff)
Add missing files
3 files changed, 480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libtorrent/include/asio/detail/eventfd_select_interrupter.hpp b/libtorrent/include/asio/detail/eventfd_select_interrupter.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40fd4d2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libtorrent/include/asio/detail/eventfd_select_interrupter.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// eventfd_select_interrupter.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Copyright (c) 2008 Roelof Naude (roelof.naude at gmail dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include "asio/detail/push_options.hpp"
+#include "asio/detail/push_options.hpp"
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include "asio/detail/pop_options.hpp"
+#if defined(linux)
+# if !defined(ASIO_DISABLE_EVENTFD)
+# include <linux/version.h>
+# endif // !defined(ASIO_DISABLE_EVENTFD)
+#endif // defined(linux)
+#if defined(ASIO_HAS_EVENTFD)
+#include "asio/detail/push_options.hpp"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#if __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+# include <asm/unistd.h>
+#else // __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+# include <sys/eventfd.h>
+#endif // __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+#include "asio/detail/pop_options.hpp"
+#include "asio/error.hpp"
+#include "asio/system_error.hpp"
+#include "asio/detail/socket_types.hpp"
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class eventfd_select_interrupter
+ // Constructor.
+ eventfd_select_interrupter()
+ {
+#if __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+ write_descriptor_ = read_descriptor_ = syscall(__NR_eventfd, 0);
+#else // __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+ write_descriptor_ = read_descriptor_ = ::eventfd(0, 0);
+#endif // __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+ if (read_descriptor_ != -1)
+ {
+ ::fcntl(read_descriptor_, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int pipe_fds[2];
+ if (pipe(pipe_fds) == 0)
+ {
+ read_descriptor_ = pipe_fds[0];
+ ::fcntl(read_descriptor_, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ write_descriptor_ = pipe_fds[1];
+ ::fcntl(write_descriptor_, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ asio::error_code ec(errno,
+ asio::error::get_system_category());
+ asio::system_error e(ec, "eventfd_select_interrupter");
+ boost::throw_exception(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Destructor.
+ ~eventfd_select_interrupter()
+ {
+ if (write_descriptor_ != -1 && write_descriptor_ != read_descriptor_)
+ ::close(write_descriptor_);
+ if (read_descriptor_ != -1)
+ ::close(read_descriptor_);
+ }
+ // Interrupt the select call.
+ void interrupt()
+ {
+ uint64_t counter(1UL);
+ int result = ::write(write_descriptor_, &counter, sizeof(uint64_t));
+ (void)result;
+ }
+ // Reset the select interrupt. Returns true if the call was interrupted.
+ bool reset()
+ {
+ if (write_descriptor_ == read_descriptor_)
+ {
+ // Only perform one read. The kernel maintains an atomic counter.
+ uint64_t counter(0);
+ int bytes_read = ::read(read_descriptor_, &counter, sizeof(uint64_t));
+ bool was_interrupted = (bytes_read > 0);
+ return was_interrupted;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Clear all data from the pipe.
+ char data[1024];
+ int bytes_read = ::read(read_descriptor_, data, sizeof(data));
+ bool was_interrupted = (bytes_read > 0);
+ while (bytes_read == sizeof(data))
+ bytes_read = ::read(read_descriptor_, data, sizeof(data));
+ return was_interrupted;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the read descriptor to be passed to select.
+ int read_descriptor() const
+ {
+ return read_descriptor_;
+ }
+ // The read end of a connection used to interrupt the select call. This file
+ // descriptor is passed to select such that when it is time to stop, a single
+ // 64bit value will be written on the other end of the connection and this
+ // descriptor will become readable.
+ int read_descriptor_;
+ // The write end of a connection used to interrupt the select call. A single
+ // 64bit non-zero value may be written to this to wake up the select which is
+ // waiting for the other end to become readable. This descriptor will only
+ // differ from the read descriptor when a pipe is used.
+ int write_descriptor_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+#endif // defined(ASIO_HAS_EVENTFD)
+#include "asio/detail/pop_options.hpp"
diff --git a/libtorrent/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_overlapped_ptr.hpp b/libtorrent/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_overlapped_ptr.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a0ffb1d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libtorrent/include/asio/detail/win_iocp_overlapped_ptr.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+// win_iocp_overlapped_ptr.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include "asio/detail/push_options.hpp"
+#include "asio/detail/win_iocp_io_service_fwd.hpp"
+#if defined(ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+#include "asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp"
+#include "asio/detail/win_iocp_io_service.hpp"
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// Wraps a handler to create an OVERLAPPED object for use with overlapped I/O.
+class win_iocp_overlapped_ptr
+ : private noncopyable
+ // Construct an empty win_iocp_overlapped_ptr.
+ win_iocp_overlapped_ptr()
+ : ptr_(0)
+ {
+ }
+ // Construct an win_iocp_overlapped_ptr to contain the specified handler.
+ template <typename Handler>
+ explicit win_iocp_overlapped_ptr(
+ asio::io_service& io_service, Handler handler)
+ : ptr_(0)
+ {
+ this->reset(io_service, handler);
+ }
+ // Destructor automatically frees the OVERLAPPED object unless released.
+ ~win_iocp_overlapped_ptr()
+ {
+ reset();
+ }
+ // Reset to empty.
+ void reset()
+ {
+ if (ptr_)
+ {
+ ptr_->destroy();
+ ptr_ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset to contain the specified handler, freeing any current OVERLAPPED
+ // object.
+ template <typename Handler>
+ void reset(asio::io_service& io_service, Handler handler)
+ {
+ typedef overlapped_operation<Handler> value_type;
+ typedef handler_alloc_traits<Handler, value_type> alloc_traits;
+ raw_handler_ptr<alloc_traits> raw_ptr(handler);
+ handler_ptr<alloc_traits> ptr(raw_ptr, io_service.impl_, handler);
+ reset();
+ ptr_ = ptr.release();
+ }
+ // Get the contained OVERLAPPED object.
+ {
+ return ptr_;
+ }
+ // Get the contained OVERLAPPED object.
+ const OVERLAPPED* get() const
+ {
+ return ptr_;
+ }
+ // Release ownership of the OVERLAPPED object.
+ OVERLAPPED* release()
+ {
+ OVERLAPPED* tmp = ptr_;
+ ptr_ = 0;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ // Post completion notification for overlapped operation. Releases ownership.
+ void complete(const asio::error_code& ec,
+ std::size_t bytes_transferred)
+ {
+ if (ptr_)
+ {
+ ptr_->ec_ = ec;
+ ptr_->io_service_.post_completion(ptr_, 0, bytes_transferred);
+ ptr_ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ struct overlapped_operation_base
+ : public win_iocp_io_service::operation
+ {
+ overlapped_operation_base(win_iocp_io_service& io_service,
+ invoke_func_type invoke_func, destroy_func_type destroy_func)
+ : win_iocp_io_service::operation(io_service, invoke_func, destroy_func),
+ io_service_(io_service)
+ {
+ io_service_.work_started();
+ }
+ ~overlapped_operation_base()
+ {
+ io_service_.work_finished();
+ }
+ win_iocp_io_service& io_service_;
+ asio::error_code ec_;
+ };
+ template <typename Handler>
+ struct overlapped_operation
+ : public overlapped_operation_base
+ {
+ overlapped_operation(win_iocp_io_service& io_service,
+ Handler handler)
+ : overlapped_operation_base(io_service,
+ &overlapped_operation<Handler>::do_completion_impl,
+ &overlapped_operation<Handler>::destroy_impl),
+ handler_(handler)
+ {
+ }
+ private:
+ // Prevent copying and assignment.
+ overlapped_operation(const overlapped_operation&);
+ void operator=(const overlapped_operation&);
+ static void do_completion_impl(win_iocp_io_service::operation* op,
+ DWORD last_error, size_t bytes_transferred)
+ {
+ // Take ownership of the operation object.
+ typedef overlapped_operation<Handler> op_type;
+ op_type* handler_op(static_cast<op_type*>(op));
+ typedef handler_alloc_traits<Handler, op_type> alloc_traits;
+ handler_ptr<alloc_traits> ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op);
+ // Make a copy of the handler and error_code so that the memory can be
+ // deallocated before the upcall is made.
+ Handler handler(handler_op->handler_);
+ asio::error_code ec(handler_op->ec_);
+ if (last_error)
+ ec = asio::error_code(last_error,
+ asio::error::get_system_category());
+ // Free the memory associated with the handler.
+ ptr.reset();
+ // Make the upcall.
+ asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+ bind_handler(handler, ec, bytes_transferred), &handler);
+ }
+ static void destroy_impl(win_iocp_io_service::operation* op)
+ {
+ // Take ownership of the operation object.
+ typedef overlapped_operation<Handler> op_type;
+ op_type* handler_op(static_cast<op_type*>(op));
+ typedef handler_alloc_traits<Handler, op_type> alloc_traits;
+ handler_ptr<alloc_traits> ptr(handler_op->handler_, handler_op);
+ // A sub-object of the handler may be the true owner of the memory
+ // associated with the handler. Consequently, a local copy of the handler
+ // is required to ensure that any owning sub-object remains valid until
+ // after we have deallocated the memory here.
+ Handler handler(handler_op->handler_);
+ (void)handler;
+ // Free the memory associated with the handler.
+ ptr.reset();
+ }
+ Handler handler_;
+ };
+ overlapped_operation_base* ptr_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+#endif // defined(ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+#include "asio/detail/pop_options.hpp"
diff --git a/libtorrent/include/asio/windows/overlapped_ptr.hpp b/libtorrent/include/asio/windows/overlapped_ptr.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..949df9259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libtorrent/include/asio/windows/overlapped_ptr.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// overlapped_ptr.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include "asio/detail/push_options.hpp"
+#include "asio/io_service.hpp"
+#include "asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp"
+#include "asio/detail/win_iocp_overlapped_ptr.hpp"
+# if defined(ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+# endif // defined(ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+namespace asio {
+namespace windows {
+/// Wraps a handler to create an OVERLAPPED object for use with overlapped I/O.
+ * A special-purpose smart pointer used to wrap an application handler so that
+ * it can be passed as the LPOVERLAPPED argument to overlapped I/O functions.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ */
+class overlapped_ptr
+ : private noncopyable
+ /// Construct an empty overlapped_ptr.
+ overlapped_ptr()
+ : impl_()
+ {
+ }
+ /// Construct an overlapped_ptr to contain the specified handler.
+ template <typename Handler>
+ explicit overlapped_ptr(asio::io_service& io_service, Handler handler)
+ : impl_(io_service, handler)
+ {
+ }
+ /// Destructor automatically frees the OVERLAPPED object unless released.
+ ~overlapped_ptr()
+ {
+ }
+ /// Reset to empty.
+ void reset()
+ {
+ impl_.reset();
+ }
+ /// Reset to contain the specified handler, freeing any current OVERLAPPED
+ /// object.
+ template <typename Handler>
+ void reset(asio::io_service& io_service, Handler handler)
+ {
+ impl_.reset(io_service, handler);
+ }
+ /// Get the contained OVERLAPPED object.
+ {
+ return impl_.get();
+ }
+ /// Get the contained OVERLAPPED object.
+ const OVERLAPPED* get() const
+ {
+ return impl_.get();
+ }
+ /// Release ownership of the OVERLAPPED object.
+ OVERLAPPED* release()
+ {
+ return impl_.release();
+ }
+ /// Post completion notification for overlapped operation. Releases ownership.
+ void complete(const asio::error_code& ec,
+ std::size_t bytes_transferred)
+ {
+ impl_.complete(ec, bytes_transferred);
+ }
+ detail::win_iocp_overlapped_ptr impl_;
+} // namespace windows
+} // namespace asio
+#include "asio/detail/pop_options.hpp"